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PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by digitaldog

  1. Indeed, Photoshop will run fine with 16 GB of RAM and again, depending on the size of the images, this can be more than enough RAM. Bare minimum today is 8 GB. Some systems make upgrading RAM a snap, some not at all. I just replaced a three year old MacBook Pro having 32 GB of RAM to 64 GB because this isn't an upgradable option. And I got the fastest GPU Apple provides with an M1 chip; so far, massively faster than the older machine as expected. But then, going back to 1990, with a Mac IIci with 8MB (yes MB) of ram, working on 15MB files (yes MB) could be agonizingly slow. I remember having to rotate an image 2 degrees clockwise and it took 15 minutes! We've come a long way. Video systems and other requirements for PS: https://helpx.adobe.com/photoshop/system-requirements.html
  2. Lightroom Classic isn't RAM intensive like Photoshop; it is a parametric editor. LR is far more sensitive if I can use the term, with a powerful GPU. LR's speed also isn't really much affected by drive speed so while an SSD is nice, don't expect to see much difference with or without a speedy drive: https://www.computer-darkroom.com/blog/will-an-ssd-improve-adobe-lightroom-performance/
  3. dRGB? The s in sRGB is often referred to as 'Satanic', 'Stupid' or a four letter word that end with 'hit', is the d for 'dumb'? 😜 The 'idea' if I can be so kind (and again' I've attempted to explain the colorimetric facts when you say this), is there is no calibration for the Internet! IF you are trying to tell us you calibrate to sRGB, that's unlikely unless you happen to have a CRT, circa 1994 with a specific phosphor set. You may have an sRGB color gamut display (too bad). The internet has no color space! In a color managed browser which everyone can and should use, one can post any tagged RGB Working Space on 'the web' and it will preview correctly on their machine. Anyone else's, all bets are off. So, no need to further assume sir. The "dRGB for the internet" or sRGB for the internet is as false a concept as "all prints are 300DPI!"** **If you lie long enough about having a horse eventually somebody will buy you a saddle.
  4. I think subjectivity your images look fine and yes, barking up the wrong tree. The film has a color gamut and palette, if you will, and you can only work with what you have and can capture.
  5. Memory for what application? Photoshop has always needed 3-5X each open document (size) in RAM. Lightroom Classic is totally different. GPU these days is nearly as important to performance in the two app's mentioned as RAM and processor speeds and, on Windows, often the cause of buggy behavior (as GPUs and drivers are all over the map).
  6. Johnathan Cone INKJETMALL.com Tech Forums area - written by Jon himself: We do not recommend ammonia based products like Windex any longer. Epson's print heads are now extremely sophisticated and there is copper involved at a very small size - and ammonia can form a compound if it contacts copper. There are safer homemade solutions to make that you should research. Or use a safe professional strength chemical system which we supply called PiezoFlush. It is not clear ink base. It is an actual formulation we invented that is safe for long term storage in print heads, but also highly solvent to dissolve dried ink, while remaining compatible with the OEM and all of the inks we manufacture. https://imagescience.com.au/knowledge/never-ever-use-windex-on-your-print-head OMG NEVER EVER USE WINDEX ON YOUR PRINT HEAD!!! "One of the most persistent myths in inkjet printing is that one can use Windex to clean a print head". Now maybe, a dilution of Windex (with caution) or try these steps first before blindly using "the Windex treatment" not explained above: https://www.allprintheads.com/blogs/news/how-to-unclog-epson-printhead-nozzles
  7. Odd. What you might try is removing that one ink and gently shaking the cartridge, then try again.
  8. First, try disabling GPU in the preferences (Performance). Any better?
 If turning OFF the GPU works, it's a GPU bug, and you need to contact the manufacturer or find out if there's an updated driver for it. 
Also see: https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-classic/kb/troubleshoot-gpu.html If the GPU and display profile isn't causing the problem, see: https://helpx.adobe.com/lightroom-classic/kb/lightroom-gives-error-preview-cache.html That preview you show IS what you should see when using Sharpening tool. The healing tool no. Alt (on Mac) toggles to cut the healing spot.
  9. How long will photo's last on an HD? Or for that matter, any data? Impossible to answer! In time, all drives can fail. Which is why you need to have multiple copies (backups) to reduce this possibility. Time for a group of HD's and cloud storage; belt and suspenders approach.
  10. There are no 'cameras' in the scanner; ignore this silliness. Yes, you very likely need to clean the sensors and the glass etc; not a big issue and easy to do. Here's one of many video's, in this case covering the V700:
  11. You win Frans, you were utterly and completely wrong. Got anything else that’s completely wrong and foolish to add here? We know you can’t help yourself (here it comes gang)….
  12. Yes your statement Frans was incompelete AND wrong! Nothing new here for the PhotoNet members.
  13. As usual, what Frans actually wrote is wrong; copy and paste the EXACT statement: “A word of caution: NEC is exiting the desktop monitor market.” There is no more NEC. There is Sharp/NEC, and they have not exited this market. He’d like to regurgitate about color reference displays after making such a false statement, but the statement in question above is just wrong. Yes, their website lists hundreds of displays. NO such exit from the market as wrongly posted. A wide gamut display is just that, it isn’t the sole criteria for what is a color critical display. Anyone with actual experience with the old Barcos, Sony Artisans or Radius Pressviews can tell you this from actual experience (unlikely Frans can). Lots of companies discontinue products, don’t assume like Frans that means the company no longer will or, as Frans falsely believes (so often and here again), this means the company ceases to produce any such products in the future. He’s confused; he’s assuming, he, as usual, isn’t someone to take seriously. His time would be much better spent attempting the hobby of Photography, but, posting FUD and misinformation is apparently a more productive use of his “talents”.
  14. You're lost as usual. You can't even decipher the website you linked to let alone understand it's now Sharp/NEC that absolutely has NOT exited the display market as you falsely claim. You are of course entitled to your uninformed opinions on this subject. I am simply pointing out that the opinion was formed without facts, science/data or critcal thinking. I therefore I find it foolish. Do get in the last foolish and incorrect word on this; you can't help yourself otherwise as we will all soon witness (again)!
  15. What you wrote that is WRONG in multiple ways as so often the case: “A word of caution: NEC is exiting the desktop monitor market.”
  16. Exactly, there is no evidence but a bit of typical FUD. 😜 You can still purchase the products too: https://bluesquare.digital/27-color-critical-desktop-display-with-spectraview-engine.html https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/used/1519332?gclid=CjwKCAjw-rOaBhA9EiwAUkLV4kz_fbjbFvYGlxHRNyB-_ePnjQwrg_OSAF4vtmWPC16wx_Qu7rhOQxoCRTEQAvD_BwE https://www.adorama.com/ncpa311dbk.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw-rOaBhA9EiwAUkLV4gmQ1NU8m1jEX_5FR7V4Dkfp2XWQnz9WkPhBohnPZ6pFsJ5Tu00r6RoCEbgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&utm_source=adl-gbase-p
  17. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence."-Carl Sagan NEC is now part of Sharp. https://www.sharpnecdisplays.us https://www.sharpnecdisplays.us/colorcritical Lets see some evidence that Sharp is exiting the desktop 'monitor' market please.
  18. First, did you attempt to reset the NVRAM, PRAM, and SMC? Might be worth a try. Or logging into another account (you may need to make one) to see if this screen issue resumes? I'd simply get a good, external display and drive the MacBook from that (which is what I have done for years). My MBP drives the superb SpectraView PA271Q, I keep the lid closed (no need for that display). Bigger, better and far more color managed than the Laptop display.
  19. I'd like an update too please.
  20. Depends on a number of possible settings on the iPhone (which you may not be fully aware of). But again, without a raw, which CAN be exported from Photos for us to examine, I'm kind of done with this silly game of speculating for those not too familiar with how this camera might work. ;)
  21. Then likely the results of a rolling shutter at the moment of capture. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_shutter
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