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Arista .EDU Films? Anyone try it yet?

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Has anyone tried the Arista .EDU film? The prices look good, I

could get twice as much film as compared to Kodak Tri-X for the price.

I understand that it's still early in the New Year and Freestyle

probably hasn't shipped any yet.. I would like to hear how this

stuff compares to the 'name brand' emulsions currently available.


I'm most interested in hearing about surface uniformity and quality

of the film base. I'm just somewhat afraid that a film named '.EDU'

might be appropriately named for a reason.



BTW, I'll end up purchasing a few rolls before I send in my order

for 100 rolls.. Duh, I was just curious..


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Arista EDU film is Fortepan, made by Forte Photochemical Co. in Hungary. The "edu" designation is designed to appeal to the educational market which is important to Freestyle. The regular Arista line (Ilford) will provide better consistency and smaller grain than the "Edu" line. But the Arista line should be capable of producing excellent results. Forte makes films for Bergger too.
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Thank you all for the replies. I'm going to order a few rolls and see how it stacks up. In another thread, someone suggested that this film (Arista .EDU) is Fomapan, made by Foma.


I'm going to order a few rolls and see how it does in Rodinal, PMK and pushed in Microphen/Acufine.


If anyone else wishes to share some results, it would be greatly appreciated!

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It was probably my post you were referring to about the Foma/Forte connection to Arista .EDU films. From what I've gathered over the years, Forte is Fomapan, and vice versa. Depending on who you talk to, Forte makes Fomapan or, vice versa ad infinitum! And Berrger as well as J and C films are made by one of the film dopplegangers.

To make matters even more curious, I'm told that the Foma/Forte ISO 400 speed film is actually repackaged Ilford Pan 400....

If that's not enough to make your head spin, I don't know what is.


All I can say is that I've used the Forte ISO 200. It is very good and fills a niche in the B&W film pantheon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been shooting their Arista 400 and just found out about the Edu film (and the about 20% price increase of the origianl Arista) yesterday. I was able to order a box of the edu 400 in 4x5, so it is apparently available. I primarily shoot 8x10, but use a 4x5 reducing back to evaluate and calibrate my film. When I get the stuff I will evaluate the ASA and work up some density vs. developer curves using D23 at 1-1. If interested I will forward the results when in hand.


Meanwhile at $49.99 (for 8x10 400) it comes close to obviating its advantage over other black and white films. I ordered what may be my last box yesterday.



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