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Discussion/ Topic of the Week

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I posted a subject last week about Photograph of the Week about how I

never understood many of the selections. I proposed that the POW

should have a shortlist of 10 and we vote for next week's POW during

the current week. I got replies saying that the whole point of POW

was to DISCUSS the photograph, rather than like it.


However, the POW doesn't bring up discussion - unless you call THIS



very cool composition...


-- David Walters



Aesthetics 9, Originality 7

great image!


-- Wayne Melia




Superb, this is one of the best bw Photos I've ever seen here.


-- Dirk Becker




speechless.good job.


-- moti shitrit


is it just me or are they not actually DISCUSSING it? 4 word/one

sentence comments is not discussion!


are the photographs in POW ever actually discussed properly?


I propose that either instead of, or to satisfy the old members of

Photo.net who have become accustomed to it, AS WELL AS, a "real"

discussion should be facilitated which doesn't revolve around the

limited scope of one single photograph. (i know that single

photographs aren't necessarily limited, but my point is that people

are giving empty comments on them).


for instance, someone posted something ages ago about whether it is

still possible to be original in photography, and whether photography

has run its ground.




as you can see, that got many passionate replies with many different

viewpoints - there is not a single reply that says "stupid!!"

or "brilliant!!" or "amazing". And, apart from the (at this time) two

comments after "Faby Vanyo's" post, all of these intelligent, diverse

replies emerged over the space of a week/7 days.


so why not add a discussion of topics relevant to photographers and

the art as well?

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You have made some valid points and I hope that you will get some good reactions on this thread, Aaron. As far as your very first comment on the POW discussion is concerned, sure, those first few quotes are very short "comments". However, the actual POW discussion has only just started. If you scroll down far enough, you can see just two POW discussion comments, so far. More will certainly follow.<br>Your observation about the POW discussions is a valid one. It has indeed been said in recent weeks that a number of the long time contributors seem to have abandoned their much appreciated participaton. Here is a good example of how things went on a little whle ago: http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0045U6
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"However, the POW doesn't bring up discussion - unless you call THIS discussion:"


Did you ever read your own comments?


What's your problem with the POW? It's the 2nd thread opened by you in less than 1 week about POW...

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You can't force people to enter into esoteric and/or informed discussions. If they want to say "Wow", they'll say "Wow".


All we can do is present a forum (POW) in which members CAN discuss an image if they so choose. If members choose to make 1, 2, 3 or 10 word comments that don't really have a lot to say other than "I like it", then that's what they'll do.

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It might be worth noting that the comments you quote were posted before the image was selected as Photograph of the Week -- they were not posted as part of the POW discussion.




Also, we have lots of static articles for broader subjects to which everyone is welcome to add comments. See the front page and <a href="http://www.photo.net/static_content.html">Bob's Guide to Static Content</a> for recent examples. Finally, we have <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/forum?topic_id=1761">Mike Spinak's journal</a>; he may not start new topics weekly, but there should still be plenty food for thought (and comments, discussion).

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<i>this thread ain't about POW, its about adding a weekly discussion/debate about topics relevant to photographers and the art as well.</i><p>


There is a lot of this going on with all the discussion boards. The purpose of the discussion boards is to do exactly what you propose. One more topic would add what?

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What I would like to see would be a forum or weekly feature where we discuss the works of well-known photographers. Recently, I had an interesting discussion <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo.tcl?photo_id=1557745">within the comment-space of a photo</a> regarding the worg of Mapplethorne which brought up some interesting points, revealed some things I did not know, and sure has at least some educational value.


I would be very interested to hear what some of the most articulate and knowledgeable members have to say about historically important works of the art. For example, I still fail to grasp why Atget is so important and artistically interesting - I just don't see it. But I'm sure that possibly I'm not educated enough to see it, and that there must be several people out there who can educate all of us in lively and constructive discussion.


This could all be under a forum on the 'art of photography' which is missing, I believe from this site. Or it could be a weeklyh or bi-weekly discussion topic on the frontpage.


By the way, along these lines, I really did enjoy the recent feature on composition very much!

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It has been correctly stated that the "wow - great shot" comments are PRE POW. By hitting "read discussion" - you will see that short congratulatory comments are deleted as stated in the guidelines for posting in the POW. If someone includes at least something about composition, exposure etc.. I will often leave it in - even if it is short - as long as it has not been already said umpteen times. If someone posts a short negative comment but makes some mention of a perceived flaw -- I will also leave it. <p>As to worthwhile discussions -- My take is that there is great content and much to learn from the POW. I do not tire of reading the various observations each week. As to old timers -- well, Tony Dummitt showed up this week...with some interesting and informative points. So it looks like he is reading the POW - but sometimes not commenting. Hmm Maybe he's too busy shooting ;-) I don't often comment on the POW during my busy season - which is summer but am very active in winter. Depending on what is going on in my life - my contributions vary. <p>Personally, I don't see what the problem is for you here. Maybe I am not always impressed with the choices - but there are others that I respect - that are. Sometimes I am impressed and others that I respect are not. So - no biggy - I'm learning to be open minded and tolerant of the fact that not everyone agrees as to what constitutes a good or bad image. I continue to learn and enjoy the POW and its in-depth weekly - Discussion of the week. ;-)
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Thanks Mary for sharing your views on this particular subject!<br>I think that you are doing a wonderful job with the POW discussions! A point of view that is obvious from my previous postings in the Help and Feedback Forum.<br>Tony Dummett probably reserves his time for truly outstanding images only? ;-)
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Well thank you nude photographer ;-) I walk a fine line and it is hard to please everyone. I just try to keep a sense of humor and patience even when I get screamed at for deletions and edits. Fortunately, 99% of the people I edit or delete write back and either agree - or at least understand why we attempt to keep the POW page free from rants, flame wars and personal attacks.
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