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Does anybody fix Minox cameras anymore ?

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I purchased a Minox C about 15 years ago more as a collectors item than something I would take with me while Traveling. These days, there are much more convenient options with Digital and all. When I purchased it, I think I gave it a try just to see if everything was working right, then I put it back in its luxurious box. The other day I decided to run a check on it and it still looks great, but the battery was out. The Minox C uses a S27PX 6V battery that amazingly are still on sale, so I ordered one for about $10. 

There used to be a repair shop that use to fix, or maintain these cameras, usually they would charge a $90 fee for an CLA(clean, lube and adjust) . I'm not sure if they are around anymore ? The good thing is that there is still fim out there, but its quite expensive at $22 for 36 exposures. Then you got to find some way to develop the film. I have the Minox Daylight tank that I still have not used in 15 years and some 110 negative carriers for my enlarger which I think I can modify to hold the Minox film so no problem there.  I also found a Schneider 24mm enlarger lens(Boy I must have been pretty serious about this whole thing !). Just incase things don't work out as far as the camera, does anybody know where to get these cameras maintained  I also have a Minolta MG16 that suffered the same fate.     


Edited by hjoseph7
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56 minutes ago, hjoseph7 said:

does anybody know where to get these cameras maintained

You need to post this in the Minox forum which is still active, with a couple of regular contributors (Minox diehards?), "MTC Photography" and "Minox", who may be able to help.

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