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A moment of silence...


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1 hour ago, samstevens said:

Sanford, did something specific bring on this latest primal whine or is it just Friday?

Didn't realize it was Friday. I woke up to pages and pages of airline spam, more than I've every seen here before. It all disappeared within a few hours so I guess the solution is to sleep later.   

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I agree Sanford, but where else? I've looked at other forums, Fuji X as an example, but there's rarely a post that isn't another crazed search for the latest lens or some extreme editing ability. There was an old British fellow there, now deceased, who posted drop dead B&W from his phone and Leica and best had sparkling insights and very pungent views on 'the modern'.

It's the relationships here that keep me coming back really, though I've never had a drink with anyone here yet, and perhaps that's the key to good relationships lol. 

Decline in all things is the hallmark of our times, and now AI which will fascinate the foolish. Can't wait for it to be discovered that millions have voted for some rugged flannel shirted fellow with all the answers who turns out to be only a Bot. 

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Why do I say things...

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I was here when this place was gangbusters . . . 1998?  There were a lot of active sites:  anybody remember the forums at Rangefinder?  About 2006 I ran a site for professional wedding and portrait photographers.  Ryan Nutt (from Houston) and I ran it.  PPA type critiques and we have some really good people.  But, that died.

Forums just don't seem to get the activity that they used to.  I think that it's because of smart phones.  Sites like this are harder to use on phones and many prople don't have desktops or laptops anymore.  

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If you are up late on the east coast, the forums are completely filled with spam and the front page of PN include numerous NSFW images.  Not that there is anything wrong with the latter, but not exactly the best foot forward for introducing PN to new prospective users IMHO. 

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22 minutes ago, httpwww.photo.netbarry said:

It really is out of control anti happened quite suddenly. With little funding and minimal technical support, it's looking bad . The mods do a GREAT job but it's got to be overwhelming.  How did it go to such little spam over the years to the present state?  Was some kind of filter removed a few weeks ago?

Yes. The previous software had spam filters and a minimum photo upload required before then having to be approved. Now, there’s nothing to stop the spam. Only moderators to get rid of it.  My suggestion is to report it if it bothers you and ignore it to the extent you can. TGOPS, the administrator who’s been communicating to a degree, has stated clearly and repeatedly that nothing will be done about it. So, as I said elsewhere, it’s a good example of the very overused cliché (that may be redundant!) it is what it is. 

Edited by samstevens

"You talkin' to me?"

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52 minutes ago, Sanford said:

Is a moderator physically removing the airline span one at a time? I certainty thanks you for that.

I would imagine, since many of the posts purport to come from a small number of user-ids, it is only necessary to ban each of those user-ids, thus removing at a stroke all the spam emanating from it.

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There will be no more worms in this thread!  Opening it was enough... 🤠

Yes, it would be so convenient if we could block a whole IP scope--such as (our India spam block along with 106.x.x.x), or the two IPv6 blocks where most of the airline ads originate from.  We simply do not have and are not being given the tools.

As Uncle Walter used to say, "And that's the way it is..."

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6 hours ago, TGOPS said:

There will be no more worms in this thread!  Opening it was enough... 🤠

Yes, it would be so convenient if we could block a whole IP scope--such as (our India spam block along with 106.x.x.x), or the two IPv6 blocks where most of the airline ads originate from.  We simply do not have and are not being given the tools.

As Uncle Walter used to say, "And that's the way it is..."

Perhaps they'll get tired of the game and go away.But thanks for the update.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When even the poorest in the richest, 1st world countries are seen by outsiders as having so much more than many others, we are a natural target. The internet  is an easy tool to use on what is apparently fertile hunting ground. I mean, let’s face it - if this stuff wasn’t profitable, the spammers would quickly lose interest and put their energies elsewhere. 

These days ya gotta watch not only your back, but your front and all sides as well. “They” are gunning for us, relentlessly, tirelessly, endlessly. One really has to be on guard, 100% full alert at all times. Because the sh*t storm doesn’t stop. 

The struggle is real. 
Stay strong, friends. 


Edited by Ricochetrider
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My 3 cts:

- Have faith in the competence of our mods/admins that they are doing everything possible both to prevent spam and delete any spam that gets though.

- Support for all the efforts of our hard-working mods/admins is more appropriate than criticisme

- Whenever you feel that - despite the ongoing   efforts of our mods/admins - that the current incarnation of PN is just not for you, you're always free to leave.

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