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Doing something with amatuer photography?


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Hey, just wondering what are ideas of things you can "do" with amateur photography? I have neither the talent nor the interest to attempt professional photography, but it is nice to do something constructive with what I have. So far, I have made greeting cards with my bird photos and sold them for charity at my local church, and I have done a few free pet photo shoots for low income earners. I can't do much of the free pet stuff because I have an assistance dog myself for a disability, so any person's cat or dog that doesn't like dogs wouldn't cope with me photographing them with my dog nearby. They were fun, though! This rescue cat was a challenge as she was very shy. I also act as the de facto family photographer for my immediate family.


What do other people do?

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I'm not really actively into calendars or cards- although come to think of it, I did get some calendars made one year for a group of us who spent 2 weeks n England together- back in 2017, so the calendar was 2018. My amateur photography involves people almost as much as anything, tho. I'm involved with a community of photographers shooting vintage motorcycles & cars, so we see each other around and shoot at events and gatherings, etc. There's a lot of talent in the group and everyone is very supportive of one another. The most recent things I've done, tho, are have some prints made, and join our local Art Association of Harrisburg (Pennsylvania). The prints are currently hanging in the halls at one of my workplaces where they really go all out in support of creative and artistic people within the workplace community there. Thanks to the president of the AAH, my prints will also be exhibited in 2 different corporate settings through the course of this year. 

Edit: One other thing I've done is put the word out amongst my friends asking if anyone would like to sit to have their photo shot on film. Kind of an effort to learn how to shoot people, an area of interest to me. 

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I haven't done it myself, but a few years ago I heard a call for photographs with creative commons (CC) licence for use as illustration of articles in Wikipedia. Allegedly there are many articles about local historical sites etc. that lacks illustrations.

If my mobility wasn't limited, I'd think that would be a worthwhile photographic endeavour.  There may of course be other wiki subjects that lacks illustration, I haven't checked.

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For about 15 years, I've been photographing at a New England residential farming community for folks with emotional and other disabilities. My nephew lives there and it's been great to experience this group and their daily lives. It's been a learning experience for my own photography, and I've been able to supply them with photos of themselves they enjoy, use on their website, send to their families, and that help illustrate brochures and promotional materials. Turns out a bunch of the residents are hams and taking photos with me has become an anticipated activity. I've had a lot of fun and gotten much joy out of doing it, both photographically and because of the connections I've made, not to mention being a city boy who gets to spend a week on a farm once or twice a year, drinking milk fresh from a cow and eating homegrown organic vegetables! 




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Don't know where you live, but where I live local libraries, senior services offices, and local municipal governments can always find projects for serious amateur photographers who are willing to donate their time and services.

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3 minutes ago, SCL said:

Don't know where you live, but where I live local libraries, senior services offices, and local municipal governments can always find projects for serious amateur photographers who are willing to donate their time and services.

Good idea! I’m in a small city/large town of around 15,000 people in Australia. I could definitely ask places like that.

Love what samstevens does, too. Sounds brilliant 

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20 hours ago, Bismuth said:

Hey, just wondering what are ideas of things you can "do" with amateur photography?

My comment addresses only Portraiture, in its widest meaning - "photographing people'. The main focus of my Photography, both Professional and Amateur, is and has been 'people'.

Mentioned many times before in these Forums is "rapport". 

A suggestion addressing 'ideas of things you can "do" with amateur photography' whilst incorporating 'it is nice to do something constructive with what I have'  - would be to seek out the opportunities of Portraiture (as I defined above).

I continue to shoot amateur Sports fixtures, mainly Youth Swimming and Field Hockey - give the keepers to the Clubs for their Facebook page etc. (as one example)

If you have connection with a Church - consider an expose on the History of the Church - That could be Architecture - the Prominent people - what they each do - the ideas are limitless . . .     


I mention 'rapport' because it is a great thrill (for me) to engage with people, when working through the lens: people from all walks of life and with an host of diverse experiences and viewpoints of and on life. A value add, is one the shutter is released, I have that moment, for ever.

And sometimes doors open very wide to ongoing constructive experiences -      

1 hour ago, samstevens said:

Turns out a bunch of the residents are hams and taking photos with me has become an anticipated activity.


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@William Michael nice! As one who hopes to shoot more “people shots” (IMO I’m a ways out from “portraiture”), I’m trying in my head to sort this whole “rapport” thing. Funny because I’m great with people, love talking to folks everywhere I go. But there are times when I kinda freeze up… 

I’ve been reading stuff from portrait photographers, in an effort to see how “they” do it.  Platon, especially has intrigued me deeply with both his photos and ways of talking to his subjects, with how he establishes his rapport. With the famous portrait of Vladimir Putin, he did some research and found Putin is a huge Beatles fan! So perhaps knowing something about the subject is a help? 

A couple friends have accepted my open request for them to sit with me and have their photos taken. A couple of them, I’ll photograph their families too. I’ll dig into their Facebook pages to see what they’ve been doing just prior to our shoots, and begin with talking about stuff they’ve been doing recently. 

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24 minutes ago, Ricochetrider said:

I’m trying in my head to sort this whole “rapport” thing. Funny because I’m great with people, love talking to folks everywhere I go. But there are times when I kinda freeze up… 

You could always try something along the lines of what Karsh did with Winston Churchill ... snatch the beloved cigar out of his mouth and get what will become an iconic photo of a really tough-looking wartime leader.

"Churchill is particularly noted for his posture and facial expression, which have been compared to the wartime feelings that prevailed in the UK – persistence in the face of an all-conquering enemy. The photo session was only to last two minutes. Karsh asked the prime minister to put down his cigar, as the smoke would interfere with the image. Churchill refused, so just before taking the photograph, Karsh quickly moved toward the prime minister and said 'Forgive me sir' while snatching the cigar from his subject's mouth. According to Karsh, 'By the time I got back to the camera, he looked so belligerent, he could have devoured me'. His scowl has been compared to 'a fierce glare as if confronting the enemy'. Following the taking of the photo, Churchill stated, You can even make a roaring lion stand still to be photographed,' thus giving the picture its notable name."


In my own "people" work, I often use the element of surprise to get interesting and spontaneous poses and/or expressions. Even just having someone look down with their eyes closed and then saying their name quickly can generate some good looks. Also, I'm always observing during "setting up time" and during what seem to be "in-between times" for somewhat more candid moments, such as with Andy ...



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I shoot for my own enjoyment. Just getting back in to photography after a 10+ year hiatus when my wife passed and left me an only parent to 3 boys, then 1, 3 & 5. Got my 15 year old a decent mirrorless camera for Christmas and teaching him photography as I relearn. Happy to say he has a natural eye for catching interesting compositions and perspectives.

In a few months, I plan on taking down the movie posters that decorate one wall of my living room and replacing them with either high quality prints of our best photos, or maybe putting up a ~50" flat screen running slide shows of our best shots.

We mostly shoot landscapes and some wildlife. He wants to get in to ruins/abandoned buildings, but I'm too old for climbing fences, lol, so he may have to wait until he has a license to really get in to that. 

But I also want to learn, and teach him, real estate photography. I've also bought an introductory drone (DJI Mavic Mini) for his two older brothers. Maybe I can teach them enough to run a successful real estate photography business, including drone work. From what I've seen, the competition isn't all that great. Yes, there are some excellent ones out there, but most I've seen look like the counterparts of the "wedding photographers" that advertised on Craigslist for $500 for an 8 hour day like 17 years ago.

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SO here's one other thing I am actively doing with my amateur photography:

A group of my photos is currently on exhibit at one of my workplaces- a large complex of studios and industry shops, plus retail and office spaces mostly catering to the concert touring industry. It's called ROck Lititz & they are very supportive of creatives and artists in our community of employees. Originally scheduled to come down in March, the end date has been extended. Everyone (including me) is so busy that we've agreed to wait and "let" the photos remain on exhibit until April 17! Whee. 

Here are 2 examples of what's showing, medium format and 35mm, both shot on film. This same aet of prints, plus a couple/few more, will also be displayed in corporate settings throughout the course of this year. In December of 2022,I joined our local Art Association. When the president saw my  work she made quick arrangements for exhibits for me. So I have one from July thru September, and another from November to January 2024! 

The current exhibit consists of I think 7 35mm and 6 MF prints, all B&W except for a single color photo which is displayed separately from the monochrome prints. Rock Lititz also holds a community art show each summer, where many people display their artwork. I've been invited back for that as well, so will probably display only 1 or maybe 2 photos at that time. I may branch out and have prints made of some other subject matter but vintage motorcycles & cars is a huge part of my life and interest. Also, of course bikes and cars go along well together with music and rock & roll, all close-knit aspects of "American" culture! 







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