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PN Migration -- OK, I surrender


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I’ve given up on PN as the migration ceased some time back and has left many issues unresolved and the “PN management team” has failed dismally with regard to communications. The latest issue for me is my portfolio.

Long before Creative Live and PN were sold to Fiverr and the PN migration was contemplated; I deleted approximately 850 photos because I was facing serious health issues and did not want to leave something for others to clean up. Those 850 photos were restored to my portfolio during the initial data transfer. I dutifully deleted the photos so I could keep my portfolio at 10 or fewer photos – all is well. Subsequently my 850 photos were restored a 2nd time and I deleted them again while grumbling and mumbling.

I’ll bet you can’t guess what has just happened. Those same 850 photos have been restored a 3rd time! Now I will delete ALL of my photos as I transition my PN activity to occasionally reading the forums.

IMHO, PN is being run by amateurs that really don’t care about their product.

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4 minutes ago, mickeysimpson said:

I’ve given up on PN as the migration ceased some time back and has left many issues unresolved and the “PN management team” has failed dismally with regard to communications. The latest issue for me is my portfolio.

Long before Creative Live and PN were sold to Fiverr and the PN migration was contemplated; I deleted approximately 850 photos because I was facing serious health issues and did not want to leave something for others to clean up. Those 850 photos were restored to my portfolio during the initial data transfer. I dutifully deleted the photos so I could keep my portfolio at 10 or fewer photos – all is well. Subsequently my 850 photos were restored a 2nd time and I deleted them again while grumbling and mumbling.

I’ll bet you can’t guess what has just happened. Those same 850 photos have been restored a 3rd time! Now I will delete ALL of my photos as I transition my PN activity to occasionally reading the forums.

IMHO, PN is being run by amateurs that really don’t care about their product.

I don't think it's being run by anyone. Amateurs would be a step up.

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I was stumbling around my profile and found my way into my gallery. I am not sure if all the shots are there, but there are 49 pages in my gallery. I did not see a lot of the wedding shots but maybe they are still there, the page of thumbnails loads very slowly. I found clicking on the image and the image would come up in lower resolution, but if I click clicked on the name. the file would download in high resolution to my download folder in windows. It will be a long process, but I should be able to download the files over a few months. It is encouraging. 

The message board seems to be working OK, but that was never broke. The Photo gallery side needed fixed but was more functional, but at least I am getting back a lot of images, or I will. I don't know why the text turned orange. I didn't do that, it just happened. lol.


Cheers, Mark
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Never mind, Only images I ever linked in a forum post show up.  Says I have 1200 images...but clicking on gallery is empty. I has wedding photo galleries that are gone  bands, events...sigh. wish they would just fire up the old server.

Edited by Mark Keefer
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1 hour ago, Mark Keefer said:

Never mind, Only images I ever linked in a forum post show up.  Says I have 1200 images...but clicking on gallery is empty. I has wedding photo galleries that are gone  bands, events...sigh. wish they would just fire up the old server.

I just view quite a few of your pics, had no trouble bringing them up. There appears to be more than 16 pages.

Are you on an old computer with not much memory ?


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2 hours ago, kmac said:

I just view quite a few of your pics, had no trouble bringing them up. There appears to be more than 16 pages.

Are you on an old computer with not much memory ?


I see 49 pages, each image has the thread it was posted to such as Canon Photo Thursday or something in No Words. Photos in my Gallery custom named folders like Photos by Mark Keefer or Performers or from weddings that were never shared in a forum post as an attachment are not seen. Perhaps these were some of the lost photos, perhaps lost because of the way they needed to be categorized...perhaps because of the shear volume of images.? Perhaps I am missing how to find them. I see Fivrr has 24/7 support... perhaps after the Holidays....

Cheers, Mark
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I bow to @Sandy Vongries on all things related to PN!

My 2 cts:

- The 'Invision' platform (for the current PN) is primarily designed as a platform for 'communities' with the emphasis on 'forums'

- On the (standard) Invision platform, members can submit photos to a number of pre-configured galleries

- The (standard) Invision platform does not provide facilities for 'private member photo galleries or folders'

My personal recommendations (at the moment) are therefore


mio- share your photos between PN members via the current galleries

- Share individual photos to others via the unique URL to all your photos or to one photo; not to a specific gallery unfortunately



PS. If you're trying to present a 'portfolio' then IMHO PN is at the moment not the best place to do that.

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Hmmm... never got into posting much in the "gallery" section of this forum, I just hang out in the actual forum itself, posting photos or whatever...

BUT, there's been a lot of hue & cry over this "gallery" thing. 

I pose the question: does it need to be said that PN is NOT an image "host" site? Zenfolio, Photobucket, etc are host sites. There are many- some offer "free" service and others have an option to pay for storage and that comes with other things such as URLs/website, blogs, sales potential among other perks. 

Maybe I've missed something here (likely, YES) but I see the PN galleries and other pages with photos outside thie chat forums as a place for photographers to display their imagery- strictly for the benefit OF ONE ANOTHER. I have spent a bit of time perusing photos there but sure as heck wouldnt post 1000 images there then refer potential clients: to PN to review possibilities for their own shoots.  

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I do not believe that this new platform is ideal for Photo Galleries.  I have some experience with it as a user in other interest areas.  I do not believe that the former functionality can be replicated here.  We were told by a credible and good spirited Administrator that only a tiny fraction of the photos, 8,000, were lost.  I see no reason to disbelieve that.  I have seen many things change in  my life, but cannot recall a single case where something reverted to what it was, things were always different after. What we can hope for in the new year is further positive changes.  Strengths of this site have always been broad spectrum depth of knowledge and willingness to share info to help others.  Those things remain and are of considerable value.  The Woodstock comment by Wavy Gravy comes to mind “There’s always a little bit of heaven, even in a disaster area.” The best to all for a Healthy, Happy and Successful New Year!

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13 minutes ago, Sandy Vongries said:

The Woodstock comment by Wavy Gravy comes to mind “There’s always a little bit of heaven, even in a disaster area.” The best to all for a Healthy, Happy and Successful New Year!

Much better than the quote of Wavy Gravy's famous philosophy professor, Jean Paul Sartre: "Hell is other people." I don't subscribe to that viewpoint but sometimes it does feel like there's No Exit. [And, please note, there's even a photography connection!]

"You talkin' to me?"

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5 hours ago, Mark Keefer said:

I see 49 pages, each image has the thread it was posted to such as Canon Photo Thursday or something in No Words. Photos in my Gallery custom named folders like Photos by Mark Keefer or Performers or from weddings that were never shared in a forum post as an attachment are not seen. Perhaps these were some of the lost photos, perhaps lost because of the way they needed to be categorized...perhaps because of the shear volume of images.? Perhaps I am missing how to find them. I see Fivrr has 24/7 support... perhaps after the Holidays....

I just clicked on your profile>images .. and see there are 108 pages.... It may be necessary to refresh.

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7 hours ago, marc epstein said:

There are many images in my gallery that I cannot access, some of them are duplicates, some just single images.  When I click on them, a message pop-up informs me that I do not have permission to access to the image?  

Sandy, can that be fixed? 

Same issue I had. I submitted a ticket to delete all of my photos and thus far it looks like they are all deleted as per my request.

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14 hours ago, RobertWPillow said:

When I get to anyone's Gallery page that appears empty in the latest iteration, which happens often, there always seems to be the header that shows lots of page numbers. I refresh that page and pictures appear. I don't think this behavior has anything to do with the age of my computer or the amount of RAM. My computer is a mid-2020 release with eight cores, 64 GB of RAM, and a video card with 8GB of RAM. My work-around gets tiresome because it needs to be applied more often than not. It's one of three persistent problems. Number two is that since the start of the latest iteration, the process of logging into photo.net has been Step One: Get denied access on the home page and Step Two: Successfully log in on the try-again page. And then there is the problem with the photo.net slide-show functionality in the photographer's Gallery taking a user to the next picture in a Category instead of the following image in the photographer's portfolio. For me, that was the end of photo.net as a platform for sharing pictures with friends and family. I "deleted" my pictures from my Gallery in late November and moved them to Flickr for that purpose. (By the way, my deletion efforts on photo.net resulted in the pictures being transferred to the "Images" tab of my profile page along with other photos that were deleted during the previous iteration of photo.net.) Although the forum side of photo.net works to my satisfaction, I find the site to be lacking overall.

I hope I haven’t bored anyone with my observations. I know they are not news. I just want other users to know they are not alone with the frustration that comes with having to work a system instead of a system working for them.










I too face all the problems stated by you and agree with you. When I need to open my gallery, I try to click page no 2 first and it will load quickly. Then I go back to page 1. This way the irritation is reduced and I succeed in seeing the latest post. Hope this helps. Happy New year 

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16 hours ago, marc epstein said:

Mickey, which ticket did you submit?  I’d like to do the same.


As I recall I selected the Support text from the menu at the top of the PN home page.  Then I selected New Request and asked that ALL my photos be deleted. This seemed to have worked through yesterday, but in reviewing the site this morning I see that they have been restored again, 40 pages of photos for ~ 900 - 1,000 photos. Also, I am denied permission to do anything with the photos. Lastly, I noticed that after my photos were deleted, I was denied permission to view photos in other portfolios that I could previously browse. I did not look into it enough to draw any conclusions about my account rights and privileges. I have not tried to browse other portfolios yet.

I'll try again with the support folks. It is very disturbing that I -- and all other PN contributors -- are denied the right to manage their work. My work is copyrighted as is the case with others. I should be able to remove my work as I see fit.

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27 minutes ago, mickeysimpson said:

It is very disturbing that I -- and all other PN contributors -- are denied the right to manage their work. My work is copyrighted …

Whatever’s happening with the gallery software is mostly buggy and glitchy. Much of what we’re experiencing is a byproduct of bad programming (likely due to lack of resources more than ill intent). I’ve long understood that while I maintain copyright over my work, I give to websites a whole lot of rights when I use them to publish. Much content here could never necessarily be deleted. When I first joined PN around 2007, PN had the right to make any of our photos Photo of the Week and every other member had the right to rework any of our photos as part of a critique or discussion. Forum posts and critiques in galleries could never be deleted, even upon the closing of an account, which included photos embedded in those posts. I’m not advocating here, just trying to point out what is. Like it or not, my level of control over my content has been far from absolute. The reality I see is that PN simply is and likely will remain dysfunctional on many levels, communications to powers that be are and likely will continue to be mostly if not completely futile, there’s still worthwhile stuff going on here, the couple of moderators still involved are doing their best, and venting frustration can feel good, can establish solidarity, and can even be healthy at times but is likely not going to change a thing. 

Edited by samstevens
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"You talkin' to me?"

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20 minutes ago, normanskiromanoff said:

I can’t believe people are wetting themselves over their inability to delete their photos. Create a new account (Sicky Mimpson, maybe) and automatically orphan your photos. No one will give a shit. 

I might try that Norman after I change my pants.

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Eventually we will all be forgotten if we were ever noticed to begin with. I recall Mary Tyler Moore answered when asked if she felt bad after selling MTM Productions all her TV shows. She replied the worse that can happen, people will watch the shows. I think that was the point of me posting my photos. Maybe they will be seen long after I am gone, if I am lucky. Most of my photos are watermarked. Maybe I will be remembered in some photography site, maybe not. Imagine Leonardo DaVinci burning all his works.


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1 hour ago, Mark Keefer said:

Eventually we will all be forgotten if we were ever noticed to begin with. I recall Mary Tyler Moore answered when asked if she felt bad after selling MTM Productions all her TV shows. She replied the worse that can happen, people will watch the shows. I think that was the point of me posting my photos. Maybe they will be seen long after I am gone, if I am lucky. Most of my photos are watermarked. Maybe I will be remembered in some photography site, maybe not. Imagine Leonardo DaVinci burning all his works.


Unlike Mary Tyler Moore, I have not sold or given away my work; therefore, I should be allowed to manage my work. Is the PN team so attached to my work that they "take ownership"? I'm not just dissatisfied with PN, they've made me very angry.

Edited by mickeysimpson
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53 minutes ago, mickeysimpson said:

Unlike Mary Tyler Moore, I have not sold or given away my work; therefore, I should be allowed to manage my work. Is the PN team so attached to my work that they "take ownership"? I'm not just dissatisfied with PN, they've made me very angry.

Hopefully you will get this resolved, Mickey. It is your photography. I did see Toney and Chelsea Northrop post a video about a photo they took that was stolen and used on some packaging for an item for sale in Australia. They got a lawyer who specializes in theft of intellectual property internationally and they were awarded $50 or $60k. I sure could use $60k. The video is up on YouTube. I may have the story wrong. Here is a link to video Video Link

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1 hour ago, Mark Keefer said:

They got a lawyer who specializes in theft of intellectual property internationally and they were awarded $50 or $60k. I sure could use $60k

He got only US$7,543 in the end after all his effort. Lawyers and middlemen got most of the $60k

In one of the comments, it's recommended to contact a photo copyright specific lawyer. He may have received more of a payout had he done that.

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1 hour ago, kmac said:

He got only US$7,543 in the end after all his effort. Lawyers and middlemen got most of the $60k

In one of the comments, it's recommended to contact a photo copyright specific lawyer. He may have received more of a payout had he done that.

Yep, I said I may not have got the story right, that's why I posted a link to the video.

Cheers, Mark
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