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How can I make this better?


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Yes you can correct the converging verticals without losing too much of the buildings, although you may prefer to keep it as is for aesthetic reasons. Also the figures being an important feature, I find it distracting that they are touching, or slightly cut off by the bottom of the picture. It's possible to extend the image at the base and clone or similar to fill the empty area. to give them a little more breathing space.

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I think it's pretty good 'as is' too. If you're able to do any post-processing, then two opportunities to 'clean up' the photo (viewing close-up) are:

1. cleaning up a few 'white spots' in the sky; most might be stars, dust or lights in the distance; there might a plane in there too 🙂 

2. Cloning/Patching out the back end of the car bottom left; not a big deal


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