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Shooting a LTM at 1/2 sec handheld....


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<p>I notice in my facsimile<strong> Leica instructions for 111a </strong>that Leica suggest the camera (and presumably my 111c) can be handheld at slow speeds up to 1/2 sec.<br>

I used my camera at slow speeds last week - the results come back this weekend, and wondered what others think, or have experienced when shooting an LTM at slow speeds handheld?</p>

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<p>Back in the day, many Leica users enlarged their pix to no bigger than postcard size - this has a big bearing on whether a pic is acceptably sharp. Provided that the camera shutter release is working perfectly smoothly and the photog uses a technique such as elbows into sides, inhale deeply, exhale and immediately push the button, it is possible to work at a half sec handheld with a steady hand, success rate may be less than 100 percent.</p>
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<p>Shooting in low light last week I was surprised at how steady I could hold the camera. The technique for shooting slow speed as David stated is also well-described in the manual, and is really no different to shooting a small bore rifle accurately.<br>

As I said, results back at the weekend. I'll post some as a continuation of this thread.<br>

Thanks for contributing guys. I'm learning a lot about this camera, the new (old) lens helps, as does the bright line finder and a more accurate exposure meter - a new acquisition which cost me very little.<br>

I have to say that I find the 111c much nicer to use than my M6. </p>

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<p>David, if you want more info on this subject, look out for a book called "My Way With The Miniature" by Lancelot Vining (very cheap secondhand on e-bay). Not so cheap but also good is "My Life" by Bert Hardy. These pioneers of 35mm photography describe how they would very often shoot with a Contax at 1/5 and f1.5 when necessary, with a good success rate. </p>
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<p>Oskar Barnack knew what he was doing when he designed the Original Leica with 1/20 to 1/500 second shutter speeds.<br>

At 1/20 one can count on nearly all shots to be not-shaky, if any slower the percentage goes down, down, down like a Johnny Cash lyric. (More a matter of luck than skill.)</p>

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<p>My favorite LTM lens is 35mm, so I start a little closer than with a 50mm lens.</p>

<p>Find something to lean against, and you might get one or two more stops. </p>

<p>I the LTM camera days, I do remember museum shots without flash at 1/15 or 1/8, and if needed I might go to 1/4. So, only one stop from the suggested 1/2.</p>

<p>Note that without the mirror movement, you can probably hold a IIIc more still than an SLR.</p>

-- glen

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