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Ilford ULF Order Here


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<p>The Ilford ULF film order I placed earlier this year arrived today from Freestyle. My order consisted of two 50 foot rolls of 46mm wide HP-5+ for use in a camera which takes 127 film. The boxes do not show an expiration date but a batch number is shown. Now I need to find my Yashica 44 and get it limbered up. I have some 127 spools and backing paper but I might experiment with cutting down some 120 backing paper too.</p>
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<p>Jeff, Sounds like a great idea. I did that once but as for the paper I got it on a reel with numbers from some place in China/Hong Kong. I wish I could remember the company. I remember I had to send them a 127 backing paper as a template and they sent me a reel of paper that even had "Cut here" between the rolls. If you ever want 46mm color http://www.ultrafineonline.com/photography.html has 100 foot rolls of it in ISO160.</p>
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<p>I don't have my Yashica in front of me but I think it's a 44 and not a 44A. If that's the case then I only need to have the first number lined up and the crank will take care of the spacing for the rest of the roll. Some people have used a copier to make backing paper and have taped two sections together. For that you would need the correct kind of paper which would be opaque and which would have the correct approximate thickness. </p>
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