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Chartering a boat for photography purposes... any interest out there?

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<p>Hey all,<br>

First things first - I hope this is not interpreted as self promotion, advertising, etc, as I am not looking to sell my services here. This is for curiosity and discussion only! :)</p>

<p>I have been kicking this idea around for awhile and figured I'd post to get some feedback before investing any serious time or money into the venture. I am a long time photographer and slightly more recent owner of a flats boat. These are used for fishing in very shallow water and allow access to places that even canoes and kayaks can't reach.</p>

<p>I live in coastal NH/Southern Maine and the waterfront around here is some of the most spectacular on the east coast. Hiring guides for fishing is quite common, but would there be interest in hiring a "guide" to access locations that cannot normally be accessed/photographed? The day rate that most fishing guides get is spendy - $300-$600 a day depending on time spent on the water. But, you could cover quite a bit of ground and we are all used to waking up early to access the best light of the day.</p>

<p>I have seen and made some of my best photographs while on this boat, so it is intriguing to leverage it as a side business. Is this something you, or someone you know, would pay for? What's the price range that would make it viable?</p>



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<p>Connor, perhaps some more information regarding the boat? How comfortable is it? How many photographers will it accommodate? Facilities? I haven't seen water inaccessible by canoe or kayak. I'm assuming it is area of the coast that you need power to get to? I do love that part of the world. </p>
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<p>The Rockport link suggested might be good. However, another question, and possible drawback to your idea, is how many (for example, those photographers wanting to make an early morning effort - as the views would likely be east-west in direction) would be interested to share (or be restricted to) the very same view of a scene that would be more or less dictated from the singular point of a common boat?</p>

<p>Perhaps you might consider a common boat equipped with dinghies or canoes/kayaks that can take the photographers to areas from which they might then each photograph from a smaller craft. However, that cost may be too high to make it work. If, alternatively, you could rent small boats and each to one or two photographers that might be a possibility. Having photographed on camera club outings I agree that the pleasure of a group can be an agreeable social one, but it is annoying to make considerable efforts to perceive and realize a good and perhaps even artistic image, only to have it copied by another who makes less effort. Working with groups on land lessens that problem but from a unique boat position independent creativity is harder to facilitate.</p>

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<p>As a repeat passenger on one of the schooners sailing out of Rockland, I can vouch for the photo opportunities on the water starting before sunrise and ending in the evening. Best enjoyed when you overnight on the boat and the cook has coffee ready at first light. Check out the schooner cruise rates and plan on catering support to feed your clients. Your business should be more than offering a platform for photographers.</p>
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<p>Thanks for the insight, all.</p>

<p>A little more information: <br /> - The boat is truly made for shallow water. See photo. 17', seating for 3-4 (max), and the reason it can get where canoes/kayaks cannot is because it has power and floats in a similar amount of water. There are estuary and river systems in Maine that we fish that are some of the most beautiful locations I have ever been to, and would require a long paddle if it is possible at all. In a 4 or 8 hour day, we could cover quite a significant amount of ground. <br /> - It's certainly not a luxury vehicle. There's no accommodations or facilities. It exists as a platform, nothing more. Is this really prohibitive? <br /> - I'd like to limit it to 1-2 photographers to reduce the common photographs and focus on a more personal experience. The advantage of what I'm offering is that we can go anywhere that you want to - making micro-adjustments with a push pole to get the shot you want.</p>

<p>With all that being said, I think I may pursue this. It's a pleasure to be out on the water and a background in photography, fishing, and boating create quite a unique offering.</p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback!</p>

<p><img src="http://www.thehulltruth.com/attachments/boats-sale-wanted/368301d1381851696-flats-boat-ranger-184-ghost-2011-ranger-profile.jpg" alt="" width="432" height="322" /></p>

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<p>Connor, thanks for the additional info. Yes, that could be quite interesting for a few photographers who could share costs. If you develop your price for, say, early morning outings, for example from 5 to 9 am, or the like, perhaps it would be possible for you to advertise in season or late pre-season in the Photo.Net classified ads or elsewhere by contract with Photo.Net, or via Maine Photography Workshop or other. By keeping to a morning agenda (which would limit charges to photographers rather than paying a full day schedule) your boat would then be available if desired for other clients during the day, or other perhaps activity of the early morning photographers. A nice opportunity for those who may be interested. Advise what you decide to do. Good luck.</p>
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<p>A photographer of my acquaintance visited Maine and chartered a small boat so he could photograph sea birds for a field guide. Knowing the local wildlife (what/where/when) and how to (responsibly) approach it would be a selling point. Good luck!</p>
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It would be interesting to see some of the rivers and estuary shots you have taken. As well as a photograph of how the photographers would set up their gear on your flat boat. Enough room I mean? The shallow draft is neat but it suggests some wallowing or listing with any movement of a shooter who wants to" 'get on that side to catch that heron" or the kingfisher. and that sort of thing. You need to plot this out a little more and do a web site with some testimonials from freebie passengers who can give real testimonials and photos. Me, well, I am given to larger craft with a little more freeboaard, even as I might need a longer lens to get distance. Here we see some Zoidac rubber rafting boats in deep water off the islands that are even more commodious and can moor on shore and have outboard motors but a mother ship I believe for the beer supply. So what I know about water craft is minute, thimble size. I think stick to photo and forget the fishing part...one sport is enough for a day and its gear. You will notice shooters come equipped for bear... I would think a quiet trawling motor is best and not a large Evinrude, but I am sure you know that better than we..


Give it a shot, heck why not, with some colorful ads and hook ups with photo clubs and local tour agencies and military rec centers too,,,. Do all the things you coastal mariners do to keep a wide margin of safety,- goes without saying. Do all need to be capable swimmers? That kind of stuff..no man overboard exercises to dampen the project. I wish you well, really do, and a promising avocation. Could be fun! And yeah provide good box lunches with lots of local chow.and fresh scones, etc..and hot chocolate.If no prize shots, they get well fed. Beer? Maybe. Up to you.

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<p>I love the boat - looks perfect for calm sheltered waters. If you are doing this for hire - I believe you would need to look into the in's and out's of being a boat charter - start with the Coast Guard or local harbor master as it probably requires a license. I'm sure you're qualified if you've been around boats long enough - but the Coast Guard would want to know you know your way around if you're doing this as a business and have all their boxes checked off - life vests, flairs, CPR certification, navigation tests...I'm sure there is more. <br>

On the business side, getting to know what your cost structure (boat payment, fuel, insurance, license, boat maintenance and of course your time) will help you determine what you need to charge and whether its a feasible business. Also - consult with a CPA, they can help you understand a couple of things - 1.) how you can use this within your taxes because chances are most charters show little to no income (at least to the government) so they don't pay uncle sam too much and 2.) what business structure this should be set up as in case someone wants to sue you - your other assets are protected! <br>

Wow - now that I read this...it might be easier to join a local photo club and take the onces you make nice with and ask them to cover fuel and beers!</p>

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<p>PS - Consider a pontoon boat for a couple of reasons... it will be more stable, fits more people plus with the sides of a pontoon boat they're less likely to fall into the drink! It might not get you exactly where the other boat can but more people = more money, plus with more safety. If you were serious about this and went all in - the sides could be wrapped in your charter messaging. I know, pontoon boat isn't as sexy as that boat was...but its a better fit for a boat for hire. </p>
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<p>As a Bostonian who gets up to Maine sometimes this might be something I'd do if it combined photography with fishing (two of my favorite things). I think you'd need some samples of photos you've taken from the boat in the area to give an idea of what to expect.</p>
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