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Contaflex 11

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<p>Been out and about with my second favourite leaf shutter SLR (the Bessamatic is my fav.) the Contaflex.<br>

This is pretty much the original model, hatched in 1954 and running to 1958, and differed from the later Contaflexes by having a fixed 45mm Tessar instead of the later 50mm interchangeable front element.<br>

Of all the Contaflexes that I own, for some reason I prefer this one, kind of simpler and neater, plus they do seem more reliable than the later cameras. Ivor Mantanle speculated that this may be due to the more sealed nature of the fixed lens, keeping gunk out of the shutter.<br>

The 45mm Tessar is a real cracker too, sharp and contrasty....you can see why these cameras were so popular, and Zeiss made a lot of them so the prices are low these days due to the fact that they are so common.<br>

All in all, a great intro into classic camera photography. You will often find Contaflexes with a lot of dirt in the viewfinders, which is really just a nuisance, otherwise the VF is quite bright and crisp for a camera of this age. The compur shutter does suffer from the low speeds lagging, but I often don't use these anyway.<br>

Now for some porn and pictures....</p>


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<p>I had a short fasination with leaf shutter slr's<br>

the limitations ( limited choice of focl lengths)<br>

and later a comment that some contaflexes had a pantar lens that was NOT great.<br>

My interest in the Kodak retina reflex lasted longer.<br>

I eventually went the other way.</p>

<p>I even looked at the DeJur Dekon.<br>

and saw it as a handy small slr.<br>

found out later is ws made by topcon.<br>

but there was a reliably to consider.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Quite right Walter, they are limited, but I'm still really fond of them, and as I have said, the Bessamatic is my favourite, followed by the Contaflex, with the Retina Reflex coming in really close at third. I have an Agfa Ambiflex as well, great lenses and nicely made, but not as sweet to use as the others.</p>
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<p>That 45mm really is a super lens. I loved the results from my Contaflex. The increasingly draggy shutter led me to sell it, because a lack or reliable exposures undercut the beauty of the lens. My favourite camera service tech won't even look at these.</p>
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<p>Ahah, the anticipated Contaflex post...Beautiful collection, <strong>Tony</strong>, that "S" has me salivating. I'm ashamed to admit that I have a set of the close-up lenses but I've never used them. I'll put them on the "things I must try" list... Great range of images, as usual; I rather like the "Up the river with a paddle" image; (I'm usually up that famous creek without one), and the "Jammin'" shot is a great composition with a lovely light and feel to it. Thanks for a fine post!</p>
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<p>David, the slow shutter is pretty much endemic for old leaf shutters, but I have found that my two Contaflex 11's fare better than the later models, especially the Supers.<br>

Rick, yes, finally got around to it, and always remember that paddle! I too had neglected the close up filters, but found them to be of excellent quality. The Jammin pic was shot at 2.8 at 1/10th, so the Contaflex does handle low light very well. We just finished a long run of very hot weather, glad to see the back of it for a while.</p>

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