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Canon Thursday #38

Robin Smith

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<p>Important: please keep your image under 700 pixels wide/high for in-line viewing, and please try to keep the FILE SIZE UNDER 300kb. Note that this includes photos hosted off-site (at Flickr, Photobucket, your own site, etc). Are you new to this thread? The general guidelines for these Thursday threads are <a href="/canon-eos-digital-camera-forum/00X9hq" rel="nofollow"><strong>right here</strong></a>. Remember: only 3 images each week.</p>


<p>Show us your latest and greatest. Here are two from that thrilling country pursuit of pig racing: in this case from the Duchess County Fair, New York.</p>


Robin Smith
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<p><strong>Closing Down</strong></p>

<p>Canon 5DsR, EF 24-105mm f/4L IS, Av Mode, ISO 6400, 0EV, f/4.0, resulting in 1/80-sec., hand held, with Raw conversion in DxO Optics Pro 10.4.</p>

<p><a title="Closing Shop" href=" Closing Shop data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/721/21132638785_490b5dc2a5_c.jpg" alt="Closing Shop" width="800" height="534" /></a></p>

<p><strong>Amalfi Italy</strong></p>

<p>Canon 5DsR, EF 24-105mm f/4L IS, 32mm, Av Mode, ISO 800, 0EV, f/4.0, resulting in 1/8000-sec. (yeah, I screwed up), hand held, with Raw conversion in DxO Optics Pro 10.4:</p>

<p><a title="Amalfi" href=" Amalfi data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm1.staticflickr.com/563/21451462586_68cfc6b58e_c.jpg" alt="Amalfi" width="800" height="534" /></a></p>

<p><strong>Church In Clouds</strong></p>

<p>Canon 5DsR, EF 24-105mm f/4L IS, 105mm, from moving bus, ISO 800, 0EV, f/8, resulting in 1/2500-sec., hand held, with Raw conversion in DxO Optics Pro 10.4</p>

<p><a title="Church In The Clouds" href=" Church In The Clouds data-flickr-embed="true"><img src="https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5648/21259530830_8d2087397e_c.jpg" alt="Church In The Clouds" width="800" height="534" /></a></p>

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<p>This is Willie the pig. Willie is a refuge of the Butte Fire in California, just one of hundreds of animals that have been made homeless by the fires in California. The fire just occurred in an area where many people keep livestock. The nature of the fire and the speed at which it moved made it impossible for many people to safely get there animals out of harms way so they they had to be left to fend for themselves. Rescue crews have been heading up into the affected areas as they are allowed and bringing the animals to centers where they are treated by veterinarians and otherwise cared for. It is a monumental task done by volunteers. The fire has burned over 70,000 acres in one week a staggering number. 400 power poles were destroyed leaving many areas with out water as well pumps need electricity. Firefighters have been filling water troughs for the animals both domestic and wild that have been without water for a week.</p>
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