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POTW_December 4th, 2015


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<p>Tried something a little different this time. Stopped playing with the 60mm macro lens, and decided to try out my 40-150 lens (consumer version) on the E-M1. Went to a local ecological reserve, and got lucky with great, contrasty light, and some available birds.<br>

Not bad for a very inexpensive lens.</p><div>00dcHp-559569984.jpg.e19fe13bec3bc9d0855d149891205e4e.jpg</div>

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<p>Yes, gorgeous waterfall shot, John. Nice pelicans, Hosteen. I have the four thirds 40-150mm and it works really well on the E-M1. I have also taken some nice duck shots with it. My shots this week are from the back fence area. Shot 1 is of some grass that is growing in front of the fence.</p><div>00dcKG-559573884.jpg.15e25f0ef5003589b4199504986ded94.jpg</div>
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Planted some zinnias yesterday. Holiday bright red... I think they will grow in the planter even without help of any green thumb support on my part. It is, after all, Hawaii Nei. Tech: Used solid but aging Lumix GH 2 this time, one of my early micro 4/3 loves. With -what else- the reliable zoom Lumix 12-35 2.8 my favorite lens of all time ...bar none. Confession: Had to scratch my head when I wanted to make an exposure compensation and pushed in the dial on the right, the only dial on that camera. hah and double hah!.I forgot for two minutes that I had changed the push in the dial shift funtion to use the LVF/LCD button for +/- about six months ago.


Does that happen to others? Don't answer if you Never Forget that Stuff. (You change a setting and then expect the default function to function.. a tribute to letting default be default maybe.... Now the time I squeezed hair cream on my toothbrush...well, OK, now that time I attribute it to romantic reverie or a full moon or both.... LOL. Be well. And aloha.


PS. Anthea, I like the spirit of the grass stalk photo. Birds can enjoy those seeds too..<div>00dcOn-559587784.jpg.a8be1a215dc93dcf9d9578ae9f80a63b.jpg</div>

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And just for the weird sensibilities of some friends on Facebook. A table top shot of a few catalogs that struck me as kind of funny. Something to take the edge of the hard news of the day. Yes I do love dogs by the way. And making catalogs is honest work for some of the labor force. Enjoy. Safe for work if you work at a pickle factory or a matzoh bakery or car wash :-) Acttually my German Shepherd did give me THAT kind of look now and then but only if I tried to trick him out with garments like red scarves etc. Germans have pride, teutonic pride you know..<div>00dcOz-559588184.jpg.29b67d22fb63dc4e9f2e6493c2594aaf.jpg</div>
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