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Add LegacyPro wetting agent to Rodinal developer

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<p>Many (many!!) years ago when first learning darkroom techniques, I had a respected photographer suggest a single drop of wetting agent in the pre-soak water. I function with eye dropper bottles that my Agfa Agepon gets transferred to (only used because of a lifetime supply from an old Porters' grab bag!). It became a habit that continues and can't say it's the reason but a sharp rap and this pre-soak practice has had me air bell free for 50 years. I would develop a habit of consistency, even in this step as some developers are said to vary in performance based on emulsion softening, which can be affected in the pre-soak. Part of why I continue to pre-soak is that my darkroom tends to be colder than ideal (year-round) and this aids in tempering my gear through the whole process.</p>
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<p>I seem to remember that Kodak does NOT recommend adding Photo-Flo to developers, though I don't know that I ever knew why. Note that wetting agents are good for creating bubbles, as you will see when you take the reel out after Photo-Flo treatment.</p>

<p>I usually use Diafine for film, and was taught to rap the tank after agitating by my grandfather, who also told me about Diafine almost 50 years ago. I also inherited his Nikor tank. I don't know that I ever had problems with bubbles. Sometimes I hit the tank with my hand, not quite as hard as the counter.</p>

<p>The plastic tanks that I have use a rotating agitation system, which probably doesn't pull as much air in.</p>

-- glen

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