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Outdoor lighting options?

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<p>I love outdoor photography, but I need a way to power my lights outdoors. Any suggestions?</p>


<p>Just came across this: www.getyouratom.com which can power studio lighting outdoors for up to 4 hours but please let me know if there are other options available :)</p>

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<p>I wouldn't make plans around a Chinese manufacturer that is being coy about the prospect of "surprise features" for which you must subscribe to their marketing for more information. They seem like the sort of company that would also hire guerrilla marketers to plant faux questions, using just-created user accounts, on photography forums in order to improve their google page rank by posting links to their site in "updates" to questions. </p>
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For DC powering of AC lights (and computers, etc.) On the low cost but ultra reliable end there's the Paul C. Buff, Inc

Vagabond Lithium series. I have both the Vagabond Mini Lithium and the Vagabond Lithium Extreme.



On the high end there is the Little Genny http://www.libertypak.com/little_genny.html which Rob Galbraith evaluated and

reviewed a few years back http://www.robgalbraith.com/content_page1c57.html?cid=7-10043-10273


For powering small DC powered lights in the speedlight class there are a lot of options. I like the Quantum Turbo 3.

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<p>You can do a lot with speedlights, which can run off internal batteries, a Quantum Turbo or the Lumedyne and other equivalents to a Turbo. If you need your studio strobes outside, the first option is to look for a nearby outlet (you'll be surprised where you can find them) and a heavy extension cord (12/3 is preferable). Things like the Vagabond are good, and I believe Dynalight makes one (JackRabbitt?). You can use a DC-AC invertor to run lights off a car battery, but make sure it's a true sine-wave unit or you can damage your lights. Honda generators are sine wave and have good regulation of their output and many photographers use them. Other brands are not necessarily sine wave and some have "dirty" electricity than can damage electronics.</p>
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<p>Minimal use of modeling lights with battery power. One possibility not to forget is an extension cord if there is outdoor or nearby power. Shot at a water fall on private property a half mile from the house and he had run power to that spot. </p>
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<p>Have you ever concerned about highspeedsync?<br>

As Craig Shermann said: speedlights can do a realy good job outside - especially when used in hightspeedsync.<br>

When using a (gasoline) generator you have noise and sometimes stinks on set. In addition, the device has to be moved.. Alternatively you can use an AV converter to get power from a car's power socket.</p>

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