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A Letter to Leica AG CEO Alfred Schopf


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<strong>A Letter to Leica AG CEO Alfred Schopf (via andreas.dippel@leica-camera.com)</strong>

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Sehr geehrter Herr Dippel,<br />Bitte schicken Sie dieses email zu Herrn Alfred Schopf. Herzlichen Dank.<br /><br /><br />Sehr geehrter Herr Schopf,<br />Ich bin ein Leica fan seit vielen Jahren, und ich benuetze mehrere Leica Kameras (M3, M6, M8.2, M9), und auch die "Alten" IIIc und Standard Leica. Leider sind die neuen Leica Kameras nicht mehr stabil seit der M8. Ich bin nicht einer von wenigen Benuetzer von digitale Leica Kameras, und es gibt leider viele Probleme mit den Sensoren. <br /><br />Ich bin Mitglied an <a href="http://www.rangefinderforum.com/" target="_blank">www.rangefinderforum.com</a>, wo viele tausend Leica Benuetzer jeden Tag etwas ueber Leica schreiben. Ueblich sind es positive Sachen die da gemeldet werden, aber seit den Sensor Schwierigkeiten in der M9 gibt es ploetzlich viele Meldungen die laut sagen "Wo is denn Leica?" "Warum werden Kameras noch verkauft mit dem alten Sensor?" "Das ist eine teuere Kamera die voller Probleme ist." <br /><br />Schauen Sie bitte hier:<br /><br /><a href="http://www.rangefinderforum.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=146402" target="_blank">http://www.rangefinderforum.com/foru...hreadid=146402</a><br /><br />und auch hier:<br /><br /><a href="http://www.rangefinderforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=146279" target="_blank">http://www.rangefinderforum.com/foru...d.php?t=146279</a><br /><br />Wenn Tausende von Leica Fans jetzt auf andere Kamera systeme umwechseln, das wird nicht git fuer Leica sein. Sobald jemand seine Leica Kameras und Objektive verkauft (mit viel Verlust) wir er nicht mehr zu Leica zurueckkommen weil andere Kamera Systeme billiger sind.<br /><br />Her Schopf, Ich bitte Sie uns doch "zu besuchen" an <a href="http://www.rangefinderforum.com/" target="_blank">www.rangefinderforum.com</a>.<br /><br />Danke.<br /><br />Raid Amin, Ph.D.<br />Professor<br />USA<br />Noch-bin-ich-ein-Leica-Benutzer

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<p>Danke. I had to brush off my German dictionary, but eventually got thru your note. Glad to see people taking the initiative to communicate directly with management rather than just using social media to rant and complain. In my past life I told my employees...it is ok to complain, but when you do, please accompany it with a proposed solution.</p>
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<p>I once, many years ago, nearly bought a Porsche 911 Targa.<br>

In discussion with the local dealer, it became obvious that any difficulties in service (I live out of town) were MY problems. At that time, the dealer could have sold twice as many cars as his annual allotment, and he really didn't give a toot what MY problems were.</p>

<p>Over the next ten years, I really enjoyed my Mercedes Benz 280 SL.</p>

<p>Apply as needed to other situations, if the shoe fits anywhere.<br>

Viel Glück<br>

PhD Professor ;)</p>

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<p>Didn't Leica offer free replacement of the affected sensors - or alternatively, an upgrade to the newer M camera: http://en.leica-camera.com/World-of-Leica/Leica-News/About-Leica-News/Global/Important-Information-Concerning-the-CCD-Sensors. Granted, they don't seem to have a technical solution to the sensor issue and can only replace with the sensors that may be affected again. And to many, "upgrading" to a CMOS sensor is not a solution or an option (there is no CMOS Monochrom, for example). </p>

<p>What exactly is the CEO supposed to be doing in that rangefinderforum? I am fairly certain the he has a good idea on how bad the situation is and how much the issue is going to cost Leica - at least the monetary cost; the loss of confidence in the brand may not be as easily determinable. What solution is he supposed to be coming up with? It appears that using a different cover glass on the sensor might solve the issue - but is that more than mere speculation at this point?</p>

<p>Seems to me that the adage "you get what you pay for" is lacking the occasionally applicable "or not".</p>

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<p>I don't know what to think about the entire issue as is. A few things are obvious:<br>

Leica toothgrindigly accepted to<em> have</em> a problem.<br>

They'll obviously appreciate finding a final fix for it, instead of eternally continuing to pour $$ into a hole to patch it.<br />I guess they have enough accountants & economists to figure out whats the healthiest solution for them, while we here can only speculate. Maybe Leica have enough breath to replace every FF CCD they sold once. Maybe they haven't, then they'll go bancrupt and we'll end burning film.<br>

What can Leica really do out in the public? Any confession how they make the money to afford the sensor replacements will cost them customers too...</p>

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Frankly, the stuff from RF forum does not really go anywhere. Most of it is about expense and personal taste. Only the

sensor issue is relevant. I did not know about the sensor issue until I took my M8. M9 and M240 to Leica Kyoto to have

the sensors cleaned. They told me my M9 needed a new sensor and I would get a free replacement, but it would take

five months. So they sent my M9 to Germany. I cannot complain. If the M9 were my sole camera and my livelihood

depended on it i probably would have been feeling very desperate and asked for a loaner, which was given me when my M8 needed work.

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<p>I'd be surprised if someone at Leica (probably not the CEO!) isn't already keeping an eye on sites like www.rangerfinderforum.com and (especially!) www.l-camera-forum.com. This might well have played a role in their existing response to the problem, which to me seems like a reasonable one (apart from the turnaround time for the fix). But then I don't have any of the affected cameras (and this issue does rather put me off getting one).</p>
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<p>Raid - what do you expect from that direct dialogue? Someone will always find something amiss or debatable in whatever the Leica CEO would state in a public forum. Just look at all the heated debate on that particular issue - or on any post where Leica fan-boys, have-been-friends, and not-so-much-of-a-fan battle it out. Why would the Leica CEO want to get involved in that? Does he have anything to gain? Or just a lot to lose?</p>

<p>In the l-forum, the first and second post by a Leica rep caused quite stir - and Leica quite quickly back-pedaled and is offering free sensor replacements now - or an upgrade path - dissing the earlier tiered pay-for-repair plan. The issue that apparently remains is that of the time if takes for the repair - and I doubt that Leica can do a lot about that. If indeed all the CCD cameras (save the M8) need a sensor replacement - then we are talking likely about some 60,000-70,000 cameras - quite a load to handle by the service department.</p>

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Mr. Alfred Schopf just emailed me. He will visit RFF, he wrote me, and he would like to chat with me on the phone after January 5th.


Dieter: I am first of all personally curious about what Leica will do or not do. I am also interested in having Leica continue have strong support so that we will see better products down the road. Brian Sweeney suggested to replace the glass. "It's not hard to change out cover glass, especially as BG-18 has the same index of refraction as S8612. In the long-run, it will be cheaper than producing new sensors and having to replace them later. ON Technology shows 250 KAF-18500 sensors in stock. "

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<p>CEO's often are nice about such requests. I am glad that he responded this way.<br>


Sehr geehrter Herr Raid,</p>

<p>vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht. Ich schaue mir das rangefinderforum gerne an.</p>

<p>Können wir im neuen Jahr ab dem 05.01.2015 telefonieren?</p>

<p>Danke im Voraus und alles Gute für das neue Jahr.</p>

<p>Mit freundlichen Gruessen / kind regards</p>

<p><strong>Alfred Schopf<br /></strong>Vorstandsvorsitzender / CEO</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I wrote the Leica service department to clarify if the upgrade option was available <strong>before</strong> the sensor defect showed. I do not want to wait for a defect, but would upgrade now. The reply is that the upgrade option is only available for cameras where the defects are showing.<br>

I am not happy knowing I have an expensive product with a known defect. I no longer purchase Ford or GM products because of that kind of experience.<br>

Despite the deficiencies that have been noted frequently, I have been happy with the performance of the M9. I adapted to the deficiencies, but I do not know how to adapt to a defect.</p>

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<p>A tangent: I occasionally suggest product features to Leica via Twitter and I always get a thank-you or a statement saying that they'll pass on the suggestion. What's funny is that ATM I don't use a Leica of any kind, but I do want Leica to be the #1 manufacturer. It's the kind of world I want to live in. Let's see if they can do it.</p>

<p>What's so interesting is that with my extremely limited German, which I never learned formally, I can translate almost the entire message from Leica's CEO. It's weird how you can pick up a word here, a word there. I don't know the grammar but I can imply it all. The written word is kinder than the spoken word is to foreigners.</p>

<p>Thinking aloud: Now, imagine if we applied ourselves to learning a language properly! Though French is my chosen second language (which I don't know very well), I sometimes wonder if German should be PN's second official language. This is purely for SELFISH reasons, because there's pretty much no way that I'm going to get any practice otherwise! I suppose French might be a better choice, but for me, German is fresh territory still.</p>

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<p>Raid Amin, I suppose the upgrade question is addressed to me? Yes, the upgrade option is for upgrading to M from M9, not a sensor replacement. Leica will propose a price to upgrade, if requested. It is only available to those who have the defect already showing itself.</p>
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<p>So far, I have these points:<br />1. Leica should invest more in the post sales service instead of opening so many boutiques worldwide ! <br />2. Consider replacing the IR cover glass that is over the sensor with another type of cover (BG-18) that is less sensitive to humidity.<br />3. Be more consistent in deciding whether to charge or not charge for sensor issues repairs.</p>


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