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Years in the making - the most exclusive Photoshop and Instagram filters yet

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<p>I've spent many years imagining these masterpieces. Now I'm ready to let you unleash them so you can get truly creative. Already, the most prestigious photography schools in the country have placed their orders and almost all their Photoshop licenses have my filter installed. At one school, all the students will be required to have my Instagram filter on their phones.</p>

<p>As you all know, if you haven't put a photograph through Photoshop, you haven't really taken a photograph. And if you haven't applied a filter in your Instagram photo, or if you don't use Instagram at all, you're going to fall behind and be ignored.</p>

<p>I've created the ultimate Photoshop and Instagram filters and I'm making them available to other photographers. <strong>These exclusive filters make your photographs look like they've just come out of the camera</strong>. No other filter can do this. You don't want to be stuck using last year's ideas. Start the new year with these powerful tools at your disposal.</p>

<p>The Photoshop version is priced at only $3,650 - cheaper than a lot of other, lesser filters from last year. The Instagram version, though not quite as powerful, gives almost the same look, and is only $45.</p>

<p>Just think: this is cheaper than a second-hand car yet can get you further in your career than even the most glamorous car money can buy. Yes, my filters are expensive, but so is an Armani suit. Besides, these filters have been in the making for a long, long time. Only now are they ready to be released.</p>

<p>One photographer I know didn't hesitate to purchase my filters, even though he had to take out a loan to do it. "If you want to keep up, if you want to make it in this business, you need the best tools at your disposal," he told me. So impressed was he that he shouted me coffee. Well, the customer is always right!</p>

<p>I accept only PayPal. Use my PN email address for payment. Once I receive payment, you will have your filters <strong>immediately</strong>.</p>

<p>You'll want to get in quick before every important photographer starts using these filters. You want to get ahead? Don't wait, just do it.</p>

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