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Everything posted by pmind

  1. <p>I keep all of the boxes for Cameras and Lenses (and most everything else). The only box that drives me a little nuts is the gigantic double box for the Nikon 9000ED scanner, which I will probably never sell...but you never know!</p>
  2. <p>Mamiya 7II with a few choice lenses. Not sure what my tipping price would be, I just know I've wanted one since they came out.</p>
  3. <p>I second "Light, Science and Magic"...a very good resource.</p>
  4. <p>I saw these photos on exhibit at the Library of Congress in 2005. I was actually in town to see an exhibit of Irving Penn's platinum prints at the National Gallery...very nice bonus!</p>
  5. <p>I have to mention Antonin Kratochvil as well...really like his work.</p>
  6. <p>I can't say who my favorite is, I suppose that it depends upon the subject matter. But for environmental portraiture, I do like McCurry's work...it's especially inspiring when considering the limited use he has of his hands. He's high on my list as well.</p>
  7. pmind

    Hypnotic eyes

    Great work!
  8. Back in the film days it was the Olympus Stylus Epic, now I like the Fujifilm X100T...fantastic viewfinder.
  9. <p>Not a 35mm, but the Mamiya 6 & 7 had an adapter kit that allowed you to shoot 35mm film in addition to 120/220. I really loved my Mamiya 6MF.</p>
  10. <p>Ever since I started scanning my entire film archive a few months back, I've had the urge to load up a my FTbn with a roll of Provia. I find one of the things that I like, but never considered much in the past, is the way that rolled film lends itself naturally to an easy-to-manage organization system.</p>
  11. <p>Arthur, maybe Aperture could be a possibility for you? As for an older version to use with 10.6.8, I had a similar issue once. I found that if you contact Apple directly, they can give you a "key" to the metaphorical backroom of the App Store, where they keep older versions of their software. I discovered this option quite by chance. The other issue, of course, is the A7 RAW format is new enough that it will likely not be supported in an older version of the software. In that case, I have been in the habit of converting my RAW files to DNG using the free Adobe DNG converter software. Not the best solution, but is at least a work around for the time being. Best of luck, Paul.</p>
  12. <p>Donal, I'm on the same journey that you are. I've been scanning my archive with a Nikon 9000 via VueScan. On the desktop machine, I'm also using Photoshop CS3, with the PictureCode <em>Noise Ninja</em> plug-in. This combination has served me well for several years. I also have the <em>Nik Collection</em> on my laptop, but I haven't yet had the chance to compare results. I should finally be done scanning my 30 year archive in about 2 or 3 more months. Good luck on your project!</p>
  13. <p>The <em>AE-1</em> is a great beginner camera; I would look for an <em>AE-1 Program </em>model.</p>
  14. <p>I can't speak to the quality of this lens as my experience with Kowa is limited to the medium format Super 66 and it's lenses...however, as I recall, they were pretty decent for the price.</p>
  15. Yes, and I've done it. The fact is you have to chance it sometimes...like all things in life, there is no guarantee. You never know what the road has in store. I've gotten keepers in the parking lot of my destination. My two cents.
  16. <p>I'm glad to hear Lex is ok, but now I'm wondering...what happened to JDM?</p>
  17. <p>In addition to what has already been recommended, I would also suggest going to the tab at the top of this page marked "Learning" and clicking of "Basic Photo Tips". There is some good info to be had there. Also check out the "Beginner Questions" forum on this site. Paul</p>
  18. <p>Welcome to Photo.net! My advice would be to maintain at least two copies of everything you scan (in separate locations). I'm sure that there are many here, including myself, who have learned the hard way that creating a regular backup will save you major headaches in the future.</p>
  19. <p>The flashing light on the front of my newest G-Drive used to really be distracting...until I covered it with Gaffer's tape.</p>
  20. <p>Think I would lean toward the FTb-N.</p>
  21. <p>Not too surprising really...but how is the used market faring? We have reached a point where the technological level of a camera made 5+ years ago is more than adequate for someone interested in pursuing photography as a serious hobby. I recently sold a Canon 5D Mk I to a serious amateur who was very happy with the quality of the images it produced (as compared to their then-current 10D). I wonder how similar graphs of historical film camera sales might look in comparison. Then, of course, there are smartphones.</p>
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