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potw 12 october 2014


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<p>here's another week, and time flies. If I had more time, would be making better photo's ? I'm always shooting too hastily, and I can't get far beyond this snapshot stage. Next I am always in the act of trying to make peace with the level of photography that I'm at. Most of all I try to derive satisfaction from what I've got, and not depend on other people's opinion. Still it is also nice to share, so here's the product of that everlasting dilemma : <br>


<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/sized_IMGP4646_zpsd63ca34d.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="698" /><br>

<strong>with some friends at an industrial site outside Rotterdam. Will upload seperately later this week</strong><br>


<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/sized_IMGP4474_zpsa2e5d1c6.jpg" alt="" width="789" height="1024" /><br>

<strong>one thing for sure : as a photographer you get to see places :)</strong><br>


<img src="http://i571.photobucket.com/albums/ss151/dorus/sized_pdhm1_zps66de25f7.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="678" /><br>

<strong>please don't hurt me ! (a failed experiment, really, but I like the title)</strong><br>



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<p>I'm always shooting too hastily, and I can't get far beyond this snapshot stage. Next I am always in the act of trying to make peace with the level of photography that I'm at.</p>


<p>Heh--familiar feelings ;~) I like that first one.</p>

<p>Bird photography is on the back-burner because road work is kicking up too much dust for the health of my geriatric F*600 so here'sa a change of pace:<br>

<img src="http://dadipentak.smugmug.com/The-Fun-House/The-Fun-House/i-sGGF2Dc/0/L/IMGP7713fs%20usmx-L.jpg" alt="" width="480" height="600" /></p>

<p><img src="http://dadipentak.smugmug.com/The-Fun-House/The-Fun-House/i-5Fdd38N/0/L/_IGP7894cusm-L.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="571" /></p>

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I think every one of us feels the same at one time or another: I know I certainly do. I don't have any copies of when I first started taking pictures (in High School), but I can say they were pretty awefull. Even after 34 years I delete most, if not all, from any given shoot, and even the ones I keep will never see the light of day.<br>

To help you get some perspective, I have included some of my earliest work this week. All were taken with a ME Super, a Sears 135mm "Macro" lens, on Kodachrome 64 film.<br>


BTW: The last of the three I think is the best.</p><div>00csyq-551774184.jpg.89666dae1c3e38c2ad937433a521a590.jpg</div>

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One last note: Apogee Photo Magazine ( <a href="http://www.apogeephoto.com/">http://www.apogeephoto.com/</a> ) helped me learn and improve my pictures immeasurably. Go to "Techniques" and read every article by Micheal Fulks and Noella Ballenger, especially their articles "Elements of Design.</p>

<p>As a close to this week I am including one of my personal favorites so you can compare to my previous pictures...<br>


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<p>To start off with I think that first image is pretty good. I got a good kick out of Don's early images. They are almost exactly the same I took (centered, taken with a 50mm lens). IMHO cropping your third image would really make for a stronger composition. I think with your image I'd go for a vertical image and crop just to the right of the clip, take a bunch off the bottom and clip on the left side to put the bell/ball not too far off the left corner.</p>

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<p>Rocky Mt National Park, Colorado. A series from Sprague Lake. It was one of those days for a dayhiker. Woke to clear, blue skies yet a prediction of rain all day. Scrambled to get coffee and hiking gear together. As we drove into the park the skies darkened and the rain came down. As we turned around and headed down the road the skies began to brighten again...<br /> Postponed hiking to visit a close to the road lake which we hardly ever visit because, well, it's close to the road.<br /> The same experience here. One end of the lake it was dark and gloomy. The opposite end of the lake had a rainbow.</p><div>00ct0q-551780384.jpg.164034667d6d98bd9ecdb6820232be65.jpg</div>
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<p>A panoramic shot from the bright end of Sprague Lake to the darker end. BTW, we did decide to go and do the hike with the same experience rain, sun, rain, sun. To be expected in the outdoors. Just never really was able to capture it photographically from location before.</p><div>00ct0s-551780584.jpg.5805d26429b708e1775d25051827ad49.jpg</div>
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