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Diafine - crystals at the bottom of the jars

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<p>Hello all,<br>

I have a bottle of each of Solution A and B and notice that crystals are formed at the bottom of each jar. They appear to be flaky crystals. Are the solutions ok to use ? I fear that when I pour them in the dev tanks, the crystals will bruise the film and leave scratches as I agitate the tanks. <br>

Have any of you noticed this ? How do you recover the developer ? Would filtration work - would I lose any 'potency' in the developer if I filtered each of them into other bottles ? Is there a way to prevent crystallization from happening ? <br>

With the current cost of Diafine, I would like to extract as much as I can from what I have before I discard it. I'm checking Rodinal out for developing my low speed films and am getting used to the developer.<br>

Any insight / experiences would be greatly appreciated, as always.<br>

Best -Govi</p>

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<p>Yeah, if it acts anything like Rodinal, you need to refilter the solutions occasionally as sediment will settle and, if allowed to sit for a long enough amount of time, crystallize. Empty the solutions into a clean container, filtering through a coffee filter, clean out the original container and put it back in. Good as new. I would think this would be pert near the same for Diafine.</p>
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<p>My darkroom is now about 60F, so I have to warm up my Diafine before I use it.<br>

I would not be surprised if some crystalizes out at low temperatures.<br>

My Diafine is almost four years old, and I might make a new batch soon, anyway.</p>


-- glen

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