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"Server Error The requested URL cannot be accessed due to a system error on this server."


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<p>Try to remove a folder and getting this message.....<strong> "Server Error The requested URL cannot be accessed due to a system error on this server."</strong><br />As said, ". . . . . on this server" and not on my computer.<br />This exist all ready a month, with other, <strong>502, 503 and 504</strong> messages, complained several time, nobody ever replied me from the administrator or what ever.<br>

Any suggestion? MAC OM X 10.5.8 Safari.</p>

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<p>anyone experiencing similar issues - we have someone monitoring and viewing logs but we're not seeing any excessive spikes in 502,503,504 - based on what i am hearing the issue now seems to be isolated to Bela. Anyone else getting 502,503,504?</p>


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<p>Yes, I getting, mostly 503 Service Unavailable in the morning (US East) trying to browse forums, it never happens to me on first page or browsing pictures. Mostly trying to open Unified Forum, sometimes I can open other forum like Nikon.<br>

This problem is been for 3 or 4 weeks but not often this last week. The screen also shows on the right side in small letters something about UOL Servers, not really sure.<br>

I notice that if I close the browser (not the tab) and open it again fix the problem, most of the times.<br>

Although it a server side problem, probably because of high demand to databases, I running Win 8.1, Firefox 31.</p>


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<p>I'm on the same version of Safari as Bela and experience the 502 Bad Gateway error pretty regularly. It's a rather old version of Safari but it can't be upgraded if you're on an older Mac System. I'll be fine for a while, then suddenly get the error message and have to wait up to an hour to get back on. Only experience it with PN. I've downloaded TenFourFox, a browser by Firefox that is more compatible with older Mac systems. It works much better for PN and I seem to have complete access when I use it, so since these Gateway messages started a couple of months ago, I just use TenFourFox for PN. Jin had recommended it to me a few months ago for another problem I was having with Safari and PN.</p>
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Im having the same problem specially 504 and 503 I'm using Chrom, ,but if I persist after 2-3 trying Iget my file.


Glenn , have you recieved my email? it is more than a week that I can not write commnts on my own files! on all of them!I have wrote to Cara (15th of this month)!,and she said she will take are of it.


I have written to you as well ,But it is still my problem !

I hope to get a fast answer.thanks.

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<p>Ditto, still seeing at least a couple of five-oh-something errors and unnumbered server errors a day, including two in a row just now, a 504 followed by an unnumbered server error. Refreshing the page usually clears it up and there's no significant hang time here (Windows 7, most recent version of Chrome).</p>
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<p>One more problem I like to be corrected. I have one folder, "A" and one image in it, and unable to remove it. The image was long time ago a "image of the week ( or day?) " for discussion and comments. When I click to the image to edit, "Admin option" I have only two (2) choice, "Edit" or Move image" no choice to remove it, and I like to remove the image and the folder too. Any help? Every time I try to remove the folder, immediately I get a message,<em> <strong>"Server Error</strong> The requested URL cannot be accessed due to a system error on this server."</em><br>

Please help me remove this single image all together with the folder.<br>

Thank you.</p>

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<p>Bela, I'm not positive about this but I seem to remember reading somewhere that when joining PN we agree that if a photo is chosen as Photo of the Week or Photo of the Day, then it cannot be deleted. This is so that the threads involving our photo won't be rendered useless by our deleting the photo. PN is conscious of its archives making sense, and if we could delete photos that have received public recognition like this, it would render many threads meaningless. So I think your not being able to delete this photo and the folder it's in is not an error but a policy of PN.</p>

<p>You may still be able to make the folder private or hidden, if you don't want the photo now to be discovered on its own. That will give you the most privacy for the photo. People would still be able to find it if they go through the Photo of the Week archives, but they wouldn't see it when they come to your portfolio directly.</p>

<p>Hope that helps (with the knowledge that I could be mistaken).</p>

We didn't need dialogue. We had faces!
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To Cara and Gllenn


It is more tha 2 weeks that I cannot write any comments on ALL my files.


Both of you have promised to find what is the problem, but untill now, not any explanation.


Please help.




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