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Mirrorless Monday_May 19th, 2014

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<p>More plants. Every year the untamed part of our garden fills with bluebells; every year I take photos of them; every year I think my photos are c**p. This year, with the razor-thin-dof-and-dreamy-background approach, I'm a little happier. Maybe next year I'll get it right....</p><div>00canX-548364784.jpg.91de6cf467b8493268dbd905eb0099fe.jpg</div>
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<p>Blake Remines was struck and killed while crossing this section of Camp Bowie Boulevard west in my neighborhood last year. I've photographed this carefully maintained roadside memorial several times while I was out walking. There are many disabled folks in my neighborhood who use wheelchairs, walkers and canes while crossing this same street - including my mom. Intersections with designated walkways are often the most dangerous to pedestrians and disabled folks. Impatient drivers who are too anxious to turn right on the red light seem to look right through you, as if you're invisible.</p>

<p>So there's the temptation to cross between intersections, risking a jaywalking ticket. In exchange, you only need to look one way for oncoming traffic. No one knows what happened between Blake and the driver who struck him.</p>

<p>Monday night I heard the memorial had been torn down, apparently by a grass mowing crew. I went out at midnight to photograph it, but apparently it had already been replaced, possibly by the same mowing crew after they were finished.</p>

<p>Traffic is usually fairly light here on weeknights, like the night Blake was struck and killed. I waited for the few cars to pass, trying slow sync flash with a few passes. I had to wait several minutes between each attempt because there's little traffic.</p>

<p>I didn't notice until later that this particular photo had captured the "Pedestrian Crossing" warning signs in sharp focus - thanks to the flash - while the rest of the lights were blurred as intended. Pure unplanned serendipity. If I'd planned this shot I'd probably have screwed it up. If you click on the photo it should lead to a larger version.<br /><br /></p>

<center><a href="/photo/17769289&size=lg" target="_blank"> <img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17769289-md.jpg" alt="" border="1" /> </a>

<p><em>Fuji X-A1, 16-50, ISO 3200, 1/8th sec @ f/8, -1 EV flash, while dragging camera toward right to emphasize motion blur</em>.</p>


<p><br />I'd never noticed before that the plaque was signed by his loved ones. It was actually too dark to see the messages by eye, but I noticed them in the photos while checking the LCD for focus.</p>


<p><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/17769570-md.jpg" alt="DSCF1405_May 20, 2014_X-A1_LR4" width="680" height="453" border="0" /></p>


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