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On-line tutorial recommendations?

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<p>I am trying to find a website that has a full course of on-line tutorial that will take me through the use of my camera from start to finish with different shooting styles etc. I'd like one that allows you to submit photos for review and has assessments etc. I know this is not an ideal way to learn but I am time poor and for now this will get me started. I have a basic knowledge but still tend to stick the auto settings taking mainly photos of my children. I'm happy to pay a small fee but would prefer a free course if one exists. TIA :)</p>
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<p>Perhaps not interactive "tutorials", but the essays under the "LEARNING" tab at the top of this page have many good introductions to many facets of the photographic experience. Some are old, but still good.<br>

YouTube has lots of explanatory videos, some great, some not so great, if you are a "post-modern child" ;)<br>

A Google™ for specific topics will often offer much good stuff, and like YouTube, much bad stuff...</p>

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What camera do you have? I have the 5D Mark III and found a full tutorial on Lynda.com, which happens to be free through our library

system here. BetterPhoto.com has some camera classes for certain cameras as well, for a fee, and you submit photos during the class, but you have to make the time to devote to the class.

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<p>I've been using lynda.com training for some time now.</p>

<p>They have great instructors doing everything on DSLR basics, advanced topics, how to use various modes. On camera flash, off camera flash, how to work in various lighting sitautions</p>

<p>They also have training on lightroom, photoshop, etc. Each course is broken down into topics, so you can skip to the parts that are of most interest to you very quickly.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I don't know why you think that someone might go to all the trouble of preparing a comprehensive, soup to nuts explanation of what a specific current camera will do, and how to use it, and then let people access it free, especially if you want feedback on photographs. There are free resources but they tend to deal with particular issues not the online equivalent of the handbook and more, and are very much arms length. If you want free you are likely to waste a lot of time deciding what to view, on overlapping coverage and then searching to fill in gaps. I don't know any sit that combines the provision of systematic online tutorials with scheduled feedback.</p>

<p>Neither are online tutorials necessarily faster than reading your handbook or another written guide to your camera- its just that some people are able to learn better that way. Personally I rate Lynda. You can take out a trial subscription to see how it goes. For feedback you can take your chances on a site like this one , understanding that there is no guarantee that you'll get feedback and that what you get isn't what you specifically want. Or you can join an academic course /correspondence course or recruit a friend with well developed photo and communication skills if you have one. </p>

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<p>Definitely not free, but KelbyOne will have videos (for a very reasonable monthly fee): <a href="http://kelbyone.com/">http://kelbyone.com/</a>.<br>


CreativeLive is good too. For example, if you had a Nikon D610, they have a video that takes you through it for $29. <a href="https://www.creativelive.com/courses/nikon-d600-dslr-fast-start-john-greengo">https://www.creativelive.com/courses/nikon-d600-dslr-fast-start-john-greengo</a><br>


I think you'll have a tough time finding a free video that is worth your time. It takes time and effort to produce a video and there aren't many that will simply give that away for free. </p>

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<p>Kelby. Covers everything from your camera to various subjects, composition, lighting, landscape, nature/wildlife, portraits, weddings and Scott's original claim to fame photoshop. Unlimited access, fantastic instructors. Watch fitting your schedule. </p>
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