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Lifetime of Provia 100F exposed but not processed?

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<p>I've just found 8 rolls at my home of Fuji Provia 100F that i think i did shoot back in 2003/2004. Unfortunately i did forget the rolls and they are not processed.<br /><br />All these years the film has been in a dark closet in my living room, which mainly is 20-22 degrees celsius, but some few times 25-30 degrees celsius, maybe about 40-50 days all these years.<br /><br />What's the lifetime of the Fuji Provia 100F film exposed but not developed? Does it make any sense for me to get it processed now, 9-10 years later?</p>
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<p>To process or not to process. It depends upon the images on the rolls and the cost of processing. If the images are important, then process and recover what you can in scanning and post processing.</p>

<p>You can always process just one roll as a test to see how it comes out. I would expect the colors on the film to have shifted and the latent images to have faded.</p>

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<p>I recently finished off a half-exposed film in a Kodak disposable camera which had been forgotten in my wife's car boot for a couple of years (hot and cold), and before that in a cupboard at room temperature. Expiry date was 2005, and it contained Kodak 400 ASA C-41 film.<br>

The shots taken around the expiry date (i.e. 7-8 years ago) were very poor and unusable, the recent exposures were fine, looked like fresh film.<br>

As has been suggested, I think you could try having one of the films processed as a test...100ASA should have deteriorated less than faster film. OTOH, I always try to finish off a film within a few weeks, or a month or two maximum...I sometimes keep a note of any test or experimental shots which I want to take, then use the last 2-3 frames on a film for this purpose.</p>

<p> </p>

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