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licensing question

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I have a fiber artist wanting to use two of my photos for her art work. She recreates using fibers that she dyes herself. She would like my permission to use my photos. I am reluctant to allow this and don't think I should do it without a fee. I have heard her cheapest work starts at $2800 US dollars. Should I allow the usage? How much is a fair fee for me? How do I keep it legal or safe?<br>


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<p>You keep it legal and safe by writing a contract that specifies what she can/can't do, for how long, and where, in exchange for how much. It's that simple.<br>

As for how much, only you can decide how much it's worth to you. Are these photos you would be able to sell elsewhere? Does she want/need exclusivity? I'd throw out an opening figure of two to five hundred dollars, knowing that you probably will have to come down. But that's just my WAG.</p>

<p><Chas><br /><br /></p>

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<p>I'm not sure she wants to pay anything, but I can't give them away.</p>


<p>Correct. And any balking reply to your offer licensing fee should be met with, "perhaps you can tell me more about what you were expecting?" And if it comes out she wants to use them for free, ask her if she ever gives her work away for free; if not, then you are having a hard time understanding where this request is coming from. Might as well engage her in a discussion about being reasonable. And if she uses your images without your permission you can always talk to a lawyer. At $2800 she clearly has an understanding of what her work is worth, and I think a court would view any misuse unfavorably. Especially if you document this entire exchange.</p>

<p>Protect yourself. And good luck.</p>

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<p>Not all artists see it that way however. I work with many guitar makers who don't think twice about charging $8-10,000 for a custom made guitar but balk at spending $5-600 on photography. The just don't see the value of the photographs, mostly saying "well, I can do that myself with my iPhone"</p>

<p><Chas><br /><br /></p>

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