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Got it! The FD 80-200/4 L


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<p>Upon the enthusiastic recommendations of my Canon FD cohorts I returned to Yaotomi Camera in Osaka, where I bought my FD 100-300/5.6 L, to buy the brilliant FD 80-200/4 L. It was ¥26,000. I took my time. I was sure no one would want it. When I arrived at Yaotomi it was gOOOOOOOOOOOOne ! I searched every camera shop I knew for this lens--I was really geared up--and only found a Tamron 90/2.5 macro with matching extender (a bit rare) to console myself. Well, time passed. I was on the slow train in Kobe from Sannomiya to Motomachi the next stop. Somehow I missed it and ended up at the Kobe station (I know this confusing, but there is a Kobe station in Kobe city). Anyway, I figured as long as I was there I might as well visit Matsumiya Camera, the world's funkiest camera shop. My mission was to find a yellow filter for my friend's Hasselblad SWC. I could not find it amid the general disorder. But in the show window, nestled in a corner, it was there! The FD 80-200/4 L was in mint or near mint condition. The price: ¥17,000. I'll be posting photos I took with it soon.</p><div>00bV50-528565684.jpg.8740ddc9d7ea7f478025751430ef4e0e.jpg</div>
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<p>Well, that's a very good price if it's in such good condition. It is a superb lens and the principal reason I bought the EF 70-200 f/4L IS a few years ago. I use mine with my Canons (F-1n, A-1, AL-1) and Fuji X-E1 digi. Here's one shot from last weekend with my A-1 on Pan F+ and processed in Pyrocat HD.<br>

<img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8383/8594342774_a382066fc1_z.jpg" alt="" /><br>

I'll be in Hiroshima near the Peace Park for a few days in June. Do you know of any good camera shops in the area?</p>

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<p>I resisted buying this lens for many years, and I used instead the Canon 80-200/4 with two rings. The basic zoom lens was a very good lens. I then bought the L lens, and the regular 80-200/4 lens has not seen any use since then. Some claim that this is Canon's only zoom lens that has better optical qualities than corresponding Canon prime lenses.</p>
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<p>Great to hear from you guys! Tony, I do not know Hiroshima at all, having been there but a couple times. The best place to go is Osaka and Tokyo. Kobe is not bad. Think you might be making in up to Kansai at all?</p>
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