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Enlarging question.


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<p>I have an old Continental Multi Pro XL enlarger. It came with a 35mm neg. carrier. I then made my own 120 film carrier out of cardboard and it works fine. I am now thinking of making a small four legged plexiglass top "table" that would sit over my easiel, lay my 4 x 5 neg. on that for enlarging to 8 by 10. Has anyone done anything like this? Or better yet, is it possible? I think it can be done.</p>
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<p>If you're suggesting what I think you are it won't work. You still have no way to focus the negative.<br>

The negative must be above the lens in order for it to focus the image. Does the enlarger have condensers large enough to handle a 4x5 neg? If so you could make a carrier as you did with 120. If not, the light won't cover a 4x5 negative anyway.<br>


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<p>Thanks for the response. I am looking at the possibility of making another carrier now. If not I guess I will be stuck with contact printing. It's amazing what goes through ones mind while sitting in the dark. Thanks Dale</p>
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<p>as said NO. I think your idea is that the light is a straight beam.<br>

it is not , Remotely is MIGHT be possible if you had an intence point light source.<br>

but that is never the case.<br>

the best you can do is contact print it<br>

with the enlarger.<br>

and having no negative in the carrier<br>

and the 4 x5 negative pressed down on the enlarging paper.<br>

and then scan it with a flatbed scanner like a printed document.,<br>

I spent 10 years looking for an affordable 4 x 5 enlarger.<br>

I finally found an omega d2-v and a crown graphic for $175.00.<br>

NOW" look on ebay, be prepared to travel to satisfy the " pickup only"<br>


I hope you have space to store the monster. and a strong friend to help put it on the table.<br>

i think I at this point would need two strong friends.</p>

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<p>There must be a lens between the negative and the paper to form the image.</p>

<p>There must be a light-tight housing that encloses the light source, the negative, and<br>

the rear of the lens, to prevent extraneous light from escaping and fogging the print.</p>

<p>- Leigh</p>


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Back in the dark ages ,you would use the 4x5 camera as an enlarger. Place the negative between two sheets of glass the size of a film holder ,make a box with a light source and place on top of the ground glass ,use the taking lens as an enlarging lens. Limited use but if you are handy ...possible.<br>


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<p>Christopher and Leigh - Thanks. I am going to work on this. I picked up at a flea market a few years back some old scientific cameras and an old projector/enlarger?? type object that I never could figure out what it was for. I think I may be able to use it now. Keep those ideas comming. Dale</p>
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<p>Hi Dale,</p>

<p>You might want to post some pix of that projector/enlarger and see if someone can identify it.</p>

<p>There are non-image-forming devices that can look quite similar, like collimators.<br>

I'd hate for you to waste time trying to convert one of those into an enlarger.</p>

<p>- Leigh</p>


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