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Which 'Celebrity' to Photograph?

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<p>I was thinking Charlize Theron, doing something retro, perhaps involving vintage aircraft or impossibly expensive jewelry. But my wife thinks it should be Jason Momoa, in Conan mode. If I did that (and she got to hold the reflectors!), I'll get all sorts of points towards any future clumsy husbanding episodes.<br /><br />For an inspiring challenge, though ... I'd go with Stephen Hawking.</p>
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<p>Cleve Jones. Missed photographing him at an all day rally in 2009, when I had to leave shortly before he spoke.</p>


<p>For an inspiring challenge, though ... I'd go with Stephen Hawking.</p>


<p>Had my photo taken with Hawking years ago, when he was exploring the possibility of changing speech synthesizers. You should go after that, Matt. He likes to have his picture taken.</p>

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<p>I should, Hector, you're right. His ailment (ALS) is what got my Dad, so Hawking's pretty fascinating to me. Never mind that he's a Super Genius Cosmologist and whatnot. He's chosen to carry on under incredibly difficult circumstances, and seems none the less to have cheery (and cheeky) disposition.<br /><br />Never the less, I've decided I'd like to photograph minor celebrity Lex Jenkins.</p>
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<p>Matt, I agree with the suggestions to pursue a photo of Mr. Hawking. Not only is he a great subject, but your personal connection makes it a natural decision. I'll look forward to your photos.</p>

<p>As for me, it would be Willie Nelson. Although I've met him a few times, I really wish I had had him sit for a portrait. With a face like his, even five or ten minutes would have been enough. It may happen still, as I'm working on a project.</p>

<p>Great topic, by the way.</p>

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<p>Like Sarah I'm interested in the everyday but also 'real' people such as politicians. But Stephen Hawking or Neil Armstrong would probably qualify as 'real' in my book. Both celebrities and politicians wear a mask so the decision is whether to try to go behind the mask or to show the mask as it is presented.</p>

<p>OK, Carey Mulligan.</p>

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<p>I'm interested in everyday people as well, but there are some celebrities who express something special. Matt's initial choice of Charlize Theron is a wonderful example of someone who can show many different things with her appearance. For me, Eric McCormack, a straight man who made his career playing a gay man on television, speaking with evident passion at a gay rights rally, makes for an interesting photo. Less well known people on the stage and at the microphone were interesting as well, but it was nice to see "Will" up there. (Photo has been posted on PN before.)</p><div>00aQOv-468893684.jpg.907c40a8fe86232c02d0a7f067fc7c7d.jpg</div>
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<p>There are quite a few celebrities near me and I've photographed Michael Parkinson, Rolf Harris, Sir Steven Redgrave and future Olympic rowing star; Rob Williams. But top of my list for celebs who were doing their every day things were the Queen and Prince Philip, but that was photographing them at horse shows.<br>

But I would like to photograph Kylie Minogue.</p>

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