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Oh, the horror....

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<p>Apart from being offensive, it's pretty ugly too... what was he thinking? The i-everything is just a sign of the decay of human society. Put everything in one device, stop seeking excellence in any particular field. Just sad... The Pentax is a small work of art which will outlive all i-phones. The i-phone is just... flat. Sad...</p>
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<p>What a stupid idea. At least it looks like he only used broken cameras - but I hope he's good enough to distinguish between an actually broken camera and one that needs a battery or something. I cringed when at first I thought one of them was an XD. Bad enough he put a hole through an AE-1.</p>
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Easy to retaliate: let's make dark slide holders, or lens cap containers, or whatever you can think of, out of iPhones and iPads, and post pictures of those novel must-have gadgets on well publicized blogs, Flickr, the i-Forum (there must be such a place - must be a lonely place though), etc.
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