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<p>What size enlarger? There are ones that were designed just for 35mm, ones that will do up to medium format and then there are the big boys, 4x5 and even some that do 8x10. So, what kind of enlarger do you have or that you are looking for? You might try looking locally to yourself in craigslist and other local advertising as shipping is a killer for items like enlargers.</p>
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<p>the beseler 23 is a good choice<br>

and there is an upgrade kit or is it a refube kit available<br>

I own a huge omega d2v but a color heard for it is very expensive.<br>

great enlarger but if I had bought a beleler I would likely have a model with a color head..<br>

I know the price of gas is high but possibly it would cost less to buy a complete darkroom including an anleger somewhere closer to you.</p>


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