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Can rodinal/adonal developers be carried by airlines ?


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I tried to buy some adonal developer from an online shop in California but am told that the chemical cannot be shipped to me in

Malaysia by courier services due to some airline ban on "hazardous chemicals". I wonder if anyone knows if the ban applies to

passengers if the chemicals are placed into their checkin luggage. I will be visiting New York soon and may find some adonal there.

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<p>I assume you're looking at Freestyle; in any event, details should the the same. Rodinal, Fomadon, R09 and Adolux are all listed as "ORMD - ground shipping only". So they won't/can't ship by air.<br>

According to Wikipedia, "When transported by air, ORM-D shipments require an ORM-D-AIR marking and full hazardous shipping papers". Sounds like a complicated/expensive process. If you were to pack it in checked luggage, I'd think that would be illegal, and hazardous to you and your fellow passengers, if it makes it thru TSA screening. </p>


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<p>Not always so lucky:<br /> Associated Press this past April:<br /> <a href="http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/ups-inc/">UPS Inc.</a> is re-examining safety in its planes after the <a href="http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/dubai-government/">Dubai government</a>’s civil aviation authority released a report Sunday on the crash of a <a href="http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/ups-inc/">UPS</a> Boeing 747 last year.<br /> The cargo that caught fire and crashed the plane near the <a href="http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/dubai-international-airport/">Dubai airport</a>on Sept. 3 included lithium batteries that should have been declared as hazardous cargo, but weren’t, the accident report said.<br>

The report also paints a harrowing picture of two pilots struggling desperately to navigate their plane to an emergency landing while running low on oxygen and fighting smoke so thick they couldn’t see their flight instruments or change radio frequencies. Both pilots were killed.<br />The report, which doesn’t identify the cause of the fire, is expected to raise questions about shipments of the batteries. The batteries can short-circuit and cause fires that burn hot enough to melt an airplane.<br /><a href="http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/ups-inc/">UPS</a> spokesman <a href="http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/mike-mangeot/">Mike Mangeot</a> said the company is evaluating about 40 safety technologies in response to the accident, including some that would help protect pilots’ ability to see in smoke.<br />He said the company is also re-evaluating cockpit emergency oxygen systems on their planes.<br />The <a href="http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/ups-inc/">UPS</a> plane arrived in Dubai from Hong Kong with cargo identified as “lithium batteries and electronic equipment containing or packed with lithium batteries,” which were distributed throughout the cargo compartments, the report said.<br />No hazardous cargo declarations were on the flight’s manifest, but at least three of the shipments contained rechargeable lithium battery packs that should have been treated as hazardous cargo under international shipping regulations, the report said.<br /> ----------------------<br /> CNN:<br /> Hazardous materials incidents aboard cargo planes, while infrequent, have occurred in recent years. In 2004, a fire broke out in a container being loaded on a FedEx MD-11 in Memphis, Tennessee, causing $20,000 in damage. Investigators blamed the incident on unapproved packaging used by the company that shipped the product -- lithium-ion batteries.<br /> --------------------------------------------<br /> In perhaps the most famous incident involving hazardous materials, a ValuJet Airlines passenger plane crashed in the Florida Everglades in 1996, killing 110 people. The National Transportation Safety Board blamed the crash on the actuation of oxygen-generating canisters being improperly carried as cargo, and the failure of the manufacturer to properly package the chemical-filled generators.<br /><br /></p>

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