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Rodinal home preparation

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<p>Hello Manojit, As Ed Buffalo points out in this article: http://unblinkingeye.com/Articles/Rodinal/rodinal.html, it is hard to imagine why someone would want to mix their own, given how cheap it is to buy it (now Adonal, by Adox). It is also true that the formula has never been published by Agfa, so there are numerous wanna-be formulas floating around, here and there.</p>

<p>While the formula may work (looks like it would to me), it is not altogether similar to the chemicals normally associated with Rodinal home brews.</p>

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<p>For what it costs, I would buy it ready made, but if you want to try brewing your own Rodinal substitute, there is a method using paracetmol/acetominophen tablets. Here's a link:-<br>

<a href="http://silent1.home.netcom.com/Photography/Dilutions%20and%20Times.html#Parodinal">http://silent1.home.netcom.com/Photography/Dilutions%20and%20Times.html#Parodinal</a><br>

I've tried it and it worked, but I didn't spend enough time to refine the process.</p>

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<p>Manojit. The name you are looking for is 'Parodinal'. Do a search for it and you will find loads of information. There one particular variation called 'Clean Clear Parodinal'. The formula is the same, it is the mixing sequence that is slightly different. It produces a clear developer liquid where other variations are cloudy.. I have used it. It works, a bit grainy for my taste. I now use Jay DeFehr's '510 Pyro'. Here is the link to his site: http://pyrostains.blogspot.com. It's easy to mix. Lasts for years. Easy to use and very flexible with film types.<br>

Hope this helps<br>


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<p>Manojit. I tracked down my notes on making the 'Clear Parodinal'. I cannot remember who the author was so I cannot credit them as I should (it may have been Jay DeFehr). Anyway. Below is the sequence I followed. I used Paracetamol tablets not pure stuff as mentioned in the notes.<br>


<p>Clean and Clear PaRodinal<br /><br />Finally, I was able to brew some paRodinal which is free from undissolved matter. Instead of using paracetamol tablets, I used pure, powdered paracetamol which is available from a local chemical house in quantities as little as 250 grammes.<br /><br />It wasn't the use of pure paracetamol alone which accounted for the clear brew. It was also probably due from the revamped mixing method. Using the procedure given for making paRodinal from paracetamol tablets (dissolve paracetamol, sulphite, then lye) resulted in a botched solution. A salt-like insoluble precipitate formed at the bottom of, and a foam-like froth floated on the mixing solution.<br /><br />1) The sulphite was dissolved first in a volume of water half the amount needed for the total volume of developer. Sulphite has to be dissolved in room-temp water. Then this is set aside.<br /><br />2) Then lye is dissolved in a similar amount of water. While the solution is still hot, paracetamol powder is added, which dissolves almost immediately. The lye+paracetamol solution is very clear at the start and shortly starts becoming slightly pink. The solution is then cooled by immersing its container in a pan of cold water.<br /><br />3) When the lye+paracetamol solution has cooled to room temperature, the sulphite solution is added to it. The resulting solution is neither murky nor dark. It's just like Rodinal as it comes out of a freshly unsealed bottle. My new batch of paRodinal is five days old and has not darkened yet. Initial tests with clipped film show that it develops just like paRodinal derived from paracetamol tablets.</p>

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