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<p>Would a moderator care to either move this to Casual Photo Conversations, or just delete it as obvious flamebait? You don't even have to be religious to see that the last sentence is blatantly insulting to all believers of all religions.</p>
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<p>This may be more appropriate to a broader forum, but I have to ask, is religion still a topic appropriate to tu4 21st century?<br /> Do we still need fairy tales?</p>


<p>A rather <em>banal</em> attempt to start an off topic discussion IMHO.<br>

"What sort of camera would God use?"<br />"If you could see God, what would be the best film camera to photograph him with?"<br>

"Does God shoot B&W or transparency?"</p>

<p>These would all be no less irrelevant topics for discussion in this forum, but at least they might be amusing.<br>

Epic fail.</p>

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<p>An equally relevant question:Shall I stir the pot and read about who gets offended? Poor fellow just wants to get a rise out of someone. Too bad he missed a perfect opportunity to ask a photography question or better still, help a photographer that needed help . Sad</p>
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<p>Cliff: this thread was Intelligently Designed to last for at least 12 hours. Everyone knows that trolling bits of juvenile flamebait are impervious to the transformative powers of natural selection.<br /><br />On the other hand, I'll cut the OP some slack and simply presume that his account was hacked by an angsty 12-year-old who is trapped in his school's computer lab, where he's doing his summer school sentence for his other online transgressions as a Useful Idiot in the ranks of lulzsec. Because there's no other explanation for such silliness.</p>
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<p>No seriously, <strong>let's all applaud</strong> Mr. Mike Wagner for <strong>his</strong> tremendous FAITH in <em>Star Dust</em> eventually <strong>spawning</strong> the genisis of life.</p>

<p>Imagine throwing dirt up into the air for a few of billion years, certainly with enough time, amino acids, lightening and luck, it will form into a nice & shiny incredible photographic instrument called a Leica M9...</p>

<p>You see, for Atheist's, Atheism is their religion. After all, many believe in the scientific viewpoint & THEORY, that the accidental genesis of life occurred to form a protozoa that eventually evolved in to a being such as Einstein. Amazing!</p>

<p>Abiogenesis aka. biopoesis<strong>?</strong> That takes too much faith for me, so I clap for Atheist's like Mike W, because his faith is far greater than mine.<br /> <strong>Clap, clap...</strong></p>

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<p>... and on the seventh day God rested and thought "I think on the eighth day I'll change the mount..."<br>

-Peter Galuszewski</p>

<p>I will never be so presumptuous to claim to know god, nor can I look at this great universe and proclaim that there is no intelligent design. No god ever made by man rides round the heavens, yet there is definitely <em>something</em> up there. It just has no desire to burn me in everlasting fire for following my genetic code. Call me agnostic.</p>

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<p>Gus, Im very familiar with Pascal's Wager and it has always caused me great concern on a very deep philisophical level. Without going into to much detail, my belief is that following Pascals line of reasoning you <em>cheapen</em> the life experiance much to an individuals detriment. Believing in god <strong><em>just in case</em> </strong>is a huge cop out, and one which I dont think god will miss (or be to pleased about) in case your right.</p>

<p>My personal experiance has been to embrace the uncertainty of life and the greater uncertainty of death with no mental crutch bearing me up telling me "its all going to be all right in the end" but rather believing that"its most likely to go absolutely pear shaped in a moments notice" and when I die...its over. Going thru life knowing that this great universe is a swirling unknowable mystery and that absolutely nobody has my back has given me a wonderful release in life.</p>

<p>On a more basic level, I simply cannot, <em><strong>CANNOT</strong></em>, believe that a being that has the power and majesty to create the entire universe and to breath life into this empty clay vessel and let me then experiance the wonders of his (or her) creation will be sadistical enough to confine me to an everlasting eternity of painful burning damnation because I chose to follow the pleasures and 'temptations' that he or she programed into me. That line of thought does not come from an all loving creator but instead from the dark minds of men who seek control over others. And <em>if it really is</em> the way things are then that god is not worthy of my worship or respect and I will glady take the down elevator when I die.</p>

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<p>Interesting David, but consider this:</p>

<p>"It is the nature of the human species to reject what is true but unpleasant, and to embrace what is obviously false but comforting." H.L. Mencken<br /> <strong>AND</strong><br /> Paul, a follower of the Jewish Rabbi Jesus, wrote in the Bible 1 Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14</p>

<p><em>"But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness to him: neither can he know them, because they are <strong>spiritually discerned</strong>."</em></p>

<p>So David, I don't expect you to believe any of my or the Bible's foolish rantings, but do remember that<br>

<strong><em>eternity is a long time to be wrong...</em></strong></p>

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<p>And why has nobody moved this thread?</p>


<p>David: wondering about forum moderation (a process guided by powerful, shadowy, and capricious forces which enforce a somewhat random code of conduct with rewards and punishments surrounding an only loosely defined history guaranteed to be mis-understood by those who have been Smote, and which works in truly Mysterious Ways) is like questioning the priesthood about why children get cancer. Better not to ask! It's usually awkward for everybody involved.<br /><br />And, Gus: aside from feeding the troll, your protazoa->Einstein notion confirms that you need to be better informed in a few areas. Damn, now I'm feeding the troll that's feeding the troll! It's like getting involved in a land war in Asia.</p>

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The path is narrow and few will find it! If you don't believe now, you will... at the last moment of your existance. Then you will know, by the wrath of God, he does indeed exist! And all the trash will be swept away!


Now move this out of the classic camera section Josh! What are you waiting for? The seventh seal?

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<p>"your protazoa->Einstein notion confirms that you need to be better informed in a few areas." <em><strong>Matt L</strong></em></p>


<p>Hi Matt! Well by all means, site the Scientific experiment that successfully created regenerative life from inert ingredients.<br /> (Not just basic Amino Acids)</p>

<p>I have no qualms with the theory of evolution, it's the <strong>genesis</strong> of life that I'm focused on.<br /> Besides, simple and dumb evolving into <strong>complex & intelligent</strong>, now that takes "faith" <strong>! </strong></p>

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<p>Gus Lazzari wrote:<br /><br /><em>Hi Matt! Well by all means, site the Scientific experiment that successfully created regenerative life from inert ingredients. (Not just basic Amino Acids)</em><br /><br />False dichotomy. Even if the experimental evidence for abiogenesis (which is substantial) turns out not to be true, it does not provide evidence nor substantiate your religious views.<br /><br /><em>I have no qualms with the theory of evolution, it's the genesis of life that I'm focused on.</em><br /><br />The experimental evidence has filled in many blanks over the the last decade. In particular, the "RNA World" hypothesis has yet to be disproved. While we will never know what events led to the first self replicating molecules (which have been experimentally demonstrated) or how the first protocells may have formed (which has been experimentally demonstrated) or what a minimum gene set for a live cell is (which has been experimentally demonstrated), it does not mean we can't have a good idea of *how* life may have arose. Your approach is the typical "missing link" argument and is disingenuous. <br /><br /><em>Besides, simple and dumb evolving into complex & intelligent, now that takes "faith" ! </em><br /><br />I thought you had no "qualms" with evolution? Just what are you saying? Your comment sounds glennbeckish (™) to me; lots of innuendo with no substance. Your posts in this thread reveals your lack of knowledge of what evolutionary theory states, or even what "theory" means in science.</p>
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This has been here for 20 hours now, so obviously "they" don't give a crap what is posted in the Classic Manual Camera forum anymore, so why don't some of you Luciferians just post the pissing on Jesus picture or the one of Jesus performing oral sex with some dude. Go ahead and have your fun. Nobody here cares! Just call it Art! Just believe in "Self" and all the other crap that you are fed! It's cool to be a Satanist, Right? Nobody here cares! We don't judge you, we are tollerant! But all are Judged in the end, not now, not by us, so have fun while it lasts! What the Hell? Party On, Sodom and Gomorrah fans!
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