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This has been here for 20 hours now, so obviously "they" don't give a crap what is posted in the Classic Manual Camera forum anymore, so why don't some of you Luciferians just post the pissing on Jesus picture or the one of Jesus performing oral sex with some dude. Go ahead and have your fun. Nobody here cares! Just call it Art! Just believe in "Self" and all the other crap that you are fed! It's cool to be a Satanist, Right? Nobody here cares! We don't judge you, we are tollerant! But all are Judged in the end, not now, not by us, so have fun while it lasts! What the Hell? Party On, Sodom and Gomorrah fans!
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What the Hell, lets just bash Christians and Jews for believing in a God that created us. If you believe you decended from an Ape, you probably did!*****************************************************************************




This has been here for 20 hours now, so obviously "they" don't give a crap what is posted in the Classic Manual Camera forum anymore, so why don't some of you Luciferians just post the pissing on Jesus picture or the one of Jesus performing oral sex with some dude. Go ahead and have your fun. Nobody here cares! Just call it Art! Just believe in "Self" and all the other crap that you are fed! It's cool to be a Satanist, Right? Nobody here cares! We don't judge you, we are tollerant! But all are Judged in the end, not now, not by us, so have fun while it lasts! What the Hell? Party On, Sodom and Gomorrah fans!

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Why is this still here? Why is this still here? Why is this still here? Why is this still here? Why is this still here? Why is this still here? Why is this still here? Why is this still here?Why is this still here? Why is this still here? Why is this still here? Why is this still here?Why is this still here? Why is this still here? Why is this still here? Why is this still here?Why is this still here? Why is this still here? Why is this still here? Why is this still here?Why is this still here? Why is this still here? Why is this still here? Why is this still here???????????????????????????????????????????????????
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<p>Its kind of fascinating... I mean, everyone here seems to have looked at it, dismissed it... and yet here we are three pages later... I still think its funny - obviously God has a sense of humour. Just look at the platypus. Or this thread... ;)</p>
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<p>"experimental evidence for abiogenesis (<strong>which is substantial</strong>)" <em><strong>Tony S</strong></em></p>


<p>Alright Tony, <strong>please site the study</strong> and one Journal article it appears in. Please don't site the 1953 "Millers Study",<br /> it was joke...</p>


<p>" it does not mean we can't have a good idea of *how* life <strong>may have</strong> arose" <em><strong>Tony S</strong></em></p>


<p>"may have" still sounds like a theory to me...</p>


<p>"no "qualms" with evolution? Just what are you saying? " <em><strong>Tony S</strong></em></p>


<p>Tony, don't you agree with my statement that evolution had to start with something simple and unintelligent<strong>? </strong><br /> <strong> </strong>Basically "no qualms" means that I'm not going to paint God into some corner, he certainly could have utilized a form of evolution in his design & implementation.</p>

<p>It's pretty obvious that you trust in the scientific theories and probabilities more than an all powerful super intelligent designer. Until science actually produces life coming from non life, (No matter the science or theory definition) I'd say that your in the same <strong>"faith" </strong>boat as me... (That's what I'm saying)</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>"I'll have no part in any religion that is fear-based" <em><strong>Frank Scheitrowsky</strong></em></p>


<p>Hi Frank, just one question:<br>

Are you part of, or participate in any fear based laws?</p>

<p>You're just proving Mr. Mencken's statement on free will.<br>

"It is the nature of the human species to reject what is true but unpleasant, and to embrace what is obviously false but comforting." </p>

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<p>Why yes Frank, it's a religion of discipline that allows one to have <strong>a moral compass</strong>. If one chooses to believe in the bible, it's part of the package. (To be God fearing)</p>

<p>Why not forget about the Law discipline, and just plow through red lights or stop signs? Because if you don't heed the signs, you'll either get into an accident or receive a ticket from the police. Both are fear based concerns...</p>

<p>Without a consequence, you have the normal human tendency towards complacency which leads to morale hazards. You know, like giving government guaranteed loans to banks so they can play loose with the tax payers money...</p>

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<p>Hey Gus, if it works for you, I'm happy for you. For myself, I have a problem with the impending end of the world prophecies and the threat of etenal damnation. I'm not an aethiest, I think that I do believe in something bigger than us, I just distrust any one or any organization that is too cetain of things we just cannot know with that kind of certainty. I'm not too keen on blind faith. To me it means: believe this without question.</p>

<p>I like a quote attributed to Buddha: "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”</p>

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I've been hear four years, and this is the first time I've considered leaving. There's <em>wonderful</em> places to argue this contentious question on other sites, yet most who have posted in this thread choose to do it here. Be very glad I am not a mod. The debaters here would be summarily kicked off. I used to kickban all the time on IRC for less than this. As was once the slang, papa don't take no mess.</p>

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