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battery pack


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i recently purchased 550d..but battery doesn't last for longer than 150 images...this is without flash and only still images, no videos....while charging charger displays green light after some 45 minutes indicating full charging ....is there anything wrong with charger? or something wrong with battery itself? does charger contnues with charging even after it displays green light? .. please help.</p>

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<p>I would say it's the battery, but it could be a number of things. I would run the battery completely down until the camera will not trip the shutter, then do a full charge to see if that makes a difference. Also, if you are shooting in cold conditions, 150 shots can be normal; when the batteries get cold they think they're dead. I usually keep two batteries and keep one close to my body and warm, then switch them back and forth.</p>
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<p>The battery is defective. </p>

<p>I just bought a T3i which uses the same LP-E8 battery as your camera. The battery indicates half full after filling a 16GB SDHC - about 80% 1920p video and 20% RAW+jpg stills.</p>

<p>It takes 4+ hours to fully charge a drained battery. I can't be more specific because I do the charging overnight.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I have the same problem with the Battery for my 7D. I get about half the images that I am supposed to, not sure if it's the charger or the battery.<br>

Things that may affect battery charge life: pop-up flash, Live View, AF Focus assist light, shooting RAW, extreme cold temperatures, excessive playback viewing, excessive scrolling through images in play back.</p>

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<p>New batteries are not that expensive at sterlingtek.com. I've used them in 3 Canon DSLRs now with no issues.</p>

<p>Batteries don't last forever, and when their capacity (number of pictures) decreases even the charger says fully charged, it's time to replace them.</p>

<p><Chas><br /><br /></p>

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<p>My 10D shipped with a bad battery. Within 9 months it only yielded 70 images. A few weeks later, 10 or 12. I bought a new Sterlingtrek and all was well, with about 500 images per charge. Most of my batteries have lasted 1 to 2 years, and always die on a long trip or important shoot, so carry a spare. </p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>Sounds as if you probably have a bad battery. But also in addition to the things that Harry indicates, . . . If you are using a lens with IS (Image Stabilization), it will also shorten the batteries apparent charge.</p>


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<p>The biggest problem with batteries is if they sit for long times and are discharged. It can totally ruin them in a very short time. If you bought your camera from a low volume dealer, you might have gotten something that has been sitting for some time. I have had issues with this because I have several different cameras and accessories that use batteries. I now have a monthly routine of charging everything up and then rotating use of the various batteries in the cameras. You can get greatly extended life if you keep them charged up once you get a good one.</p>
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<p>I purchased a Sterlintek LP-6 replacement battery after reading this post. They were so cheap I was thinking about getting 2, but I wanted to try it out first. Preliminary results after taking 150 straight shots with my Canon 7D, the battery showed it was 99% charged. Results with the Canon LP-6 showed the battery was 67% charged. I think I 'll go with this one for a while and see what happens.</p>
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