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News about Fujifilm Acros?

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<p>Has anyone heard any updated availability information regarding Fujifilm Acros 120? Reports seemed to go back and forth all summer. After initially hearing it was discontinued, I then found out it was just changed from single-packs to 5-packs. Unfortunately, now I can't find those either. Is it possible that Fuji has really discontinued a film just two months after going to the trouble of repackaging it?</p>
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<p>Thanks guys! That's the first time in a while that I've seen it for the "right" price (not $5.00 per roll). However, I'm still worried about the extended availability. I can't convince myself to buy up huge stocks of "doomed" film. If Acros is indeed (sadly) endangered, I guess I'd rather rip off the band-aid now and just move to TMX.<br>

Has anyone heard any more recent news than this summer's mass-discontinuation announcement from Fuji? The increasing difficulty in finding the film has me worried that any new source would stop carrying it as soon as I was able to order some.</p>

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<p>Don't worry its alive and well. The only current B+W choice from Fuji in 120 is the Acros 100 in 5 roll packs. I haven't heard anything from Fuji Japan about its discontinuation so its most likely a distribution problem in whatever country you are in. In 135, there are 4 choices with Neopan 100 SS, Acros 100, Neopan 400 and Neopan 1600. I think we will see some choices drop in the 135 line before we see the 120 Acros die off so I think we will be safe for a good while yet.</p>
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<p>To heck with it! I've switched to TMax 100 and 400 for all my film sizes. If it's good enough for Lex, then.... I really do think the TMax emulsion is the best I've ever seen, even if I do like Acros. TMax isn't as cheap, but I can't keep calibrating off-brand emulsions and developer combinations only to have it discontinued. Happy TG all you filmies.</p>
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<p>Larry really? Foma 200? I never could get on with that film. But anyway, ACROS is the bomb as they say. I love the stuff and it's not going anywhere according to Fuji. What they have done is stopped selling it in individual rolls. Only 5 roll pro packs are being sold. That does not stop an individual retailer from breaking up a 5 pack and selling individual rolls though, so what's the problem?</p>
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<p>As much as I like Kodak (Tri-X) I feel that the yellow giant has been considerably less interested in the B&W film and paper market than Fujifilm or Ilford, who should be really well supported by us if we are interested in long term silver based film and paper availabilities. And who but Fuji have recently brought out a new pro level 120 film camera?</p>
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Fuji's 120 film camera was simply a Kobalux design that never made it to the market before Kobalux folded.<br>

I think most of us would have preferred that Fuji continue to manufacture ISO 400 film in 120 siizes rather than introduce a new 120 film camera.<br>

Kodak, at least, still manufactures two ISO 400 B&W films in 120 to Fuji's zero. While film is no longer the largest part of Kodak's business these days, it is a much greater part of it than film is to Fuji.</p>

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