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Simple technique, spectacular results

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<p>That's for sure, John, but did you notice that the first 1/2 of the video shows an apparent moonset? I imagine there'd be quite a bit of light pollution reflecting off the snow yet he's still able to bring out the stars. </p>

<p>Maybe that's the trick with star trails - you really don't need to capture faint objects. There are enough bright stars to make a jam-packed trail on a clear night just about anywhere, even under light polluted skies. </p>

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<p>Michael, yes I see the moon lighting things up. I just checked some pix of a pier I did with a full moon halfway up in the sky (to the side) and the stars were showing, plus the sky was blue but it was also partly cloudy. Mine averaged around 1 minute exposures. It was all trial and error and nothing came out that great but I am going to work on more. I usually do my light painting with no moon but when there is a moon at the beach it is like the snow since our beaches are very white down here at FL. When I was at Arches in May I wanted to do a lot of light painting but my new wireless remote messed up, so most pix had to rely on the 30 second camera timer. I have a couple in my gallery but the blue sky/stars barely show up on the photo.net site (maybe my computer) but the prints made me very happy. One night there was a professor (or teacher) out there at Arches with his young daughter. I think he told me he was on sabbatical. He was shooting various areas in the desert for about 2 months. I guess he worked out a deal to home school the daughter. Anyway, I shot for an hour or two after sunset. He said he was shooting all night and I think he told me about aiming at the north star & that all the stars revolve around it. Did I hear correct? I wonder if he was doing this technique? I should of gotten his name. I am craving to head back to the desert, but it is about 2,500 miles. I could not believe how well the stars showed up compared to here along the gulf coast and our humidity. In the desert I saw blazing shooting stars that looked like fireworks.<br>

This process can be achieved with just photoshop? How do they do the video?</p>

<p>Dan- I really enjoyed the music on Michael's clip. With the images it made me think of Christmas.<br>

I turned the music down low on the clip that I posted. Did not care for it...but that's just my taste I guess.</p>


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