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Tri-X 400 or TMY best for 3200 push?


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<p>I've probably left it too late to get some Delta 3200 in for some low light night shots next week. I've got plenty rolls of Tri-X 400 and Tmax 400 and I was wondering what would give better results with a 3200 push? As a supplementary question, I'll probably buy some more Microphen to develop the film in but would it be too much to ask of D76 to handle such a big push?</p>


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<p>Pushed Tri-X and TMY are pretty close but generally I prefer TMY pushed to 1600-3200 in Microphen (usually stock solution, but 1+1 is okay up to 1600). Seems to have a little finer grain and less contrast than Tri-X... overall tonality looks more normal, less "pushed".</p>



<p>"...would it be too much to ask of D76 to handle such a big push?"</p>


<p>I think so. That's pretty much why I moved from ID-11 (comparable to D76) to Microphen. Even Delta 3200 at 1600 was disappointing in ID-11.</p>

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<p>Microphen has a low alkalinity; thus it has less grain when overdeveloped compared to say when D76 is overdeveloped.</p>

<p>A High alkaline level can raise the amount of grain. The alkali (borax , sodium carbonate, etc) helps the developing agent; it accelerates it.</p>

<p>Microphen (fine grain developer) has less sulfite than D76.</p>

<p>If you are running some lens resolving tests; Microphen can have a lower accutance than other developers; thus you get slightly lower number and can brag less! :)</p>

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<p>I've done it with Tri-X 400 (sorry, no examples handy). Turned out just fine as far as I'm concerned - a little grainy but not bad. I used Rodinal 1+200, agitate via slow inversions for 30 seconds, then leave alone for remainder of 2 hrs (all at room temp, about 20 degrees C). I don't think I've ever done it with TMY to compare directly, though. The same semi-stand Rodinal technique would work for it as well, as it develops to completion. Not sure how it compares to Microphen, though.</p>
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