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bronicia ec-tl helicoids on the lenses question

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Id like to buy some more lenses for my bronica ec-tl<br>

Most lenses on e bay do not have a helicoid on them to focus the lens, some do.<br>

My bronica helicoid that came with the camera with a 75mm lens in it has 3 focusing scales <br>

75mm 80mm and 100mm<br>

are these the only lenses that will focus correctly using it or will all the lenses focus in it<br>


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<p>One helicoid should do the trick for the entire range of lenses, <strong>Andrew</strong>. Depending on the lenses available when the heloicoid was manufactured, the markings for the various focal lengths will vary, and I guess the manufacturers could fit only so many scales into the available space. I have two with scales for only for the 100mm and 75mm lenses, but they work just fine with lenses from 40mm to 150mm. I don't think I've ever consulted the scales, in practice...</p>
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<p>Interesting; the helicoid in my S2 has four scales, I think. (I don't have it in front of me.) If you really want to read off distances for a lens that is not included on the helicoid's focusing scale, then in principle you could produce a scale on paper for that lens and tape it onto the helicoid when using that lens. That would require one painstaking session with a ground-glass at the film plane and some targets at measured distances, so that you could mark out the paper scale. (Then make several copies of it, or save it as an electronic file, so that you have backups if you mislay it or it wears out being attached to and removed from the helicoid.)<br>


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  • 7 months later...

"That would require one painstaking session with a ground-glass at the film plane and some targets at measured distances,"


Not necesarilly. If the camera is properly adjusted the image on the normal groundglass should do the same, no necessity for one in the film gate.

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