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RIP Dennis Hopper

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<p>"I never made a cent from these photos. They cost me money but kept me alive … They were the only creative outlet I had for these years until Easy Rider. I never carried a camera again." <a href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/artanddesign/2010/apr/26/dennis-hopper-photograph-moca">link</a></p>

<p>Never got into his photography but I still remember when I saw the anticlimax of Easy Rider for the very first time. Of course...Blue Velvet, Apocalypse Now, Speed, Rebel Without a Cause, True Romance in the scene with Christopher Walkens...</p>

<p>He created and defined on screen madmanship.</p>

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<p>Loved how Hopper upstaged John Wayne in a death scene in "True Grit" where Dennis's character reacts convulsively to getting his fingers cut off when later he was shot.</p>

<p>Hopper's full on method acting seemed to make Wayne appear as a "deer in the headlights" as he stood over him to deliver his lines.</p>

<p>I was around 9 years old when I first saw "True Grit" at the theatre and Dennis's performance though brief still sticks in my head to this day. I'ld never seen anyone act that way in a movie especially in a death scene.</p>

<p>His talents and persona will be truly missed.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>He was definitely a great actor and with his photos he got so close to his models because he was one of them. In the last film by Wim Wenders he played the "death" and talked with a photographer about life and death and photography. In this scene Wenders let him say, "He loves film more than digital, because as the death he was always fond of the negative" :-)</p>
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