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Recently saw a hipster with a relatively up-to-date DSLR

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<p>Usually you'd expect hipsters to carry around 35mm SLRs. But no, they can sometimes carry DSLRs as well (this one had a consumer model; I can't imagine hipsters using D3Xs). Seems as if hipsters get technology! Well... of course they do - they live blog, use the web a lot and all have iPods. I mean, obviously they spin vinyl, too, although groovers usually do that.</p>
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<p>I live in Milwaukee so I have to take the train to Chicago to see some real live hipsters. I like to photograph them at Millenium Park and most of the time they have a Canon Rebel on a wrist strap, not the more conventional neck strap. </p>
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<p>Wikipedia says, quoting a Time article from 2009</p>


<p>They're the people who wear t-shirts silk-screened with quotes from movies you've never heard of and the only ones in America who still think <a title="Pabst Blue Ribbon" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pabst_Blue_Ribbon">Pabst Blue Ribbon</a> is a good beer. They sport cowboy hats and berets and think <a title="Kanye West" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanye_West">Kanye West</a> stole their sunglasses. Everything about them is exactingly constructed to give off the vibe that they just don't care</p>


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<p>Hipsters? Am I out of touch or what? I must have missed the beatnik era. I did see a small-framed woman last week in Canyonlands Utah with an early-1970's RB67 on a skinny little neck strap. Seems like that could be a medeival torture device after a day of shooting...</p>
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<p>Thanks Keith, that quote nearly got me kicked out of class... "and the only ones in America who still think <a title="Pabst Blue Ribbon" rel="nofollow" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pabst_Blue_Ribbon" target="_blank">Pabst Blue Ribbon</a> is a good beer", hilarious... had to go get one from my neighbor down the hall when i got back to my dorm. Its not <em>that</em> bad...</p>
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<p>In my misspent youth I drank Stroh's. A friend of mine drank PBR. He was transfered to Detroit and I to Milwaukee area. We got together one time and he suggested that if I saw the Detroit River I would never drink Stroh's. I laughed and told him if he ever saw the Milwaukee River he wouldn't drink PBR.</p>


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<p>"I can't wait for "hipster" to fall out of the popular lexicon." Not me, I was never groovy or in with the in crowd but I really love the word and all it represents. It's a slice of Americana that no one can take away from us.</p>
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<p>I think there is a big difference between a "hipster" and a "hippie," and both are different from "beatniks," though a "hipster" is more like a "beatnik" than like a "hippie." I would be more of a hipster, but am absolutely not a hippie. </p>

<p>A hipster, beatnik -- more intellectual than hippies. Involves (supposedly) actually being clued-in (hip) to something. Think Thelonious Monk. Being a hippie devolved after Haight into a pop culture phenomenon. Being a hipster involves more commitment.</p>

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