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Trying to get more power out of a diffused off camera speedlight 430EX


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<p>I have recently begun to use my speedlight flash off camera and mounted on a light stand with a white umbrella to light my subjects, when combining it with outdoor light it works ok but for indoor shots it seems to lack power, using the same flash I assume that by using a silver umbrella it would certainly reflect more light from the flash, what about a small softbox? or should I just bounce the flash off a reflector or through a diffuser to get more light from my from my unit?</p>
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<p>Not sure how that could be, usually it is the other way around. It should be relatively easy to use indoors compared to having to match up to sunlight or brightly lit areas. Are you talking individuals or large groups? And are you using the umbrella to reflect the light or shoot through it. A softbox will eat up some of your power, but give a soft light. Silver reflective is pretty bright, but not sure that is what you want, it makes a harsher light. What settings do you have the camera and flash set to when it isn't producing the amount of light you need?</p>
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<p>make sure you are using the correct setup. The white umbrella I assume you're talking about is one you are supposed to shoot through. Silver reflectors you turn the other way and they reflect it back toward your subject, if you are turning the transluscent umbrella away from the subjects, I would somewhat expect your current problems.</p>
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The power issues with speedlights is usually biggest when used outside due to having to compete with the sun.

As soon as you start using modifiers and shooting full length power becomes an issue. For head/shoulders use a shoot though because you can position it very close to the subject (take advantage of the inverse square law). For full length since you can’t get close use it in bounce mode because shoot though loses you 40% of the light backwards.


Softboxes only get worse... It’s also worth playing with the zoom setting, you will lose some softness due to not filling the umbrella totally but with the SB800 at least you can get from 38 to 50Gn from zooming from 35mm to 70mm.


Other than that get a 580. I’ve made a bracket so I can use both my SB800s together when I run out of power, doubling of flash power only gets you 1 extra stop though, physics can be cruel!

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<p>Thanks for the input everyone, I just tried firing the flash through the white unbrella with the black cover off instead of bouncing the light off the interior and I am getting more power that way but for my next shoot I think I'll just rent a studio flash head instead.</p>
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