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Photo related "New Year's" resolutions for 2010...


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<p>Anders, Josh,<br /> good intentions in itself aren't worth that much. They need to be translated into something more substantial and that needs work. I've got absolutely nothing against tradition but lets face it, proclaiming them around New Year is merely that, a tradition while a lot of them of them will most likely result into nothing and they soon will be forgotten and picked up in another 12 months.</p>

<p>Bad intentions or nothing aren't the only alternatives. To be of real value it should be a continuous thing and not merely New Years resolutions. That's the context in which you should read my comment. So if you allow me I'll just keep on going out there and shoot some.</p>

<p>In reaction to Patrick's, yes I should also lose some weight and I really should give up smoking now I'm nearly fifty but a chap can only do so much at a time.</p>

<p>Anyway, the best of luck with yours.</p>

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<p>Ton, I feel as though you are reading way too much into this. </p>

<p>This isn't a seminar on self help or "the seven habits of highly effective photographers". New Years resolutions are just a fun, and as you said "traditional", way for people to remind themselves of what they would like to accomplish in the near future. The resolution itself has never had much to do with the actual accomplishing of that task. I would wager that virtually everyone on this thread would admit that. By your statements, we shouldn't give flowers to our sweethearts on valentines day, remember veterans on memorial day, or celebrate thanksgiving with those we love. After all, shouldn't we be expressing our love, remembering those who have sacrificed, and feeling thankful for the good in our lives all year? If people only did things of "real value", much of the most enjoyable parts of the world would disappear.</p>

<p>As I said, it's all in fun. Anyone who wants to play along should feel free to do so. If someone doesn't like resolutions, there are thousands of other forum threads to enjoy on the site.</p>

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<p>Mine are:<br>

One the I have no doubt I'll be keeping:<br>

Welcome twin boys into the world and take <strong>lots</strong> of photos of them ;-) </p>

<p>And one that will take significant effort to make happen:<br>

Return to being a more intuitive shooter, like I was before I learned all the technical aspects of photography. I find that my creativity has suffered as I've become technically better. My goal is to reach the point where I return to creating images as my mind sees them and stop consciously focusing on exposure and focus, etc., while still producing technically high quality exposures.</p>

<p>Happy New Year to all Photo Netters. Thank you for teaching me so very, very much. Thank you Shun, Matt, Lex, and everyone else who make this place what it is. Peace to everyone here and around the globe.<br>

(By the way, the twins are due in April. :))</p>

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<p>1. Dig those ratty camera bags out of the closet, sort through them, clean the cameras and lenses in them, take out batteries.<br>

2. Use up the 3 or 4 rolls of film I have left and that are mouldering in the bags.<br>

3. Get a decent camera bag for gear that I carry. (getting tired of the frayed edges of the shoulder strap tickling my chin.)<br>

4. Sort the pics now on laptop into folders by same subject, burn off onto cds.<br>

5. Check into high speed internet which is supposedly going to become available to our backwoods area so I can browse more photos on this site.<br>

6. Select some images to have printed to submit for our photo club's annual exhibition.<br>

7. Take more photos during field naturalist events for publicity. (Just had 3 bird shots published in the local newspaper for an article on our Christmas bird count.)<br>

8. Organize photos from past field naturalist events, burn off onto cds for the club archives, print a few for a small album for the archives. Also look into getting a calendar published of members' nature pictures for 2011.</p>

<p>Got a few more, but I can sense Ton frowning! ;-)</p>

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<p>Josh, I might, and Rose-Marie don't worry about it. I'm very serious at the moment. Being less than a month away from turning fifty does that to a chap. (just joking, actually I couldn't care less about it)</p>

<p>Had to read your 7. twice Rose -Marie because, and I'm not joking here, I actually read "naturist events" which of course would make for quite a different set of photos ;-) I am waiting, and that is also no joke, waiting for the reading glasses I recently had prescribed after a check. So I'm not only turning into an old fart but will also look the part. What joy.</p>

<p>As for the rest, make it happen guys and girls and have a good year all round.</p>

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<p>Photography goals 2010. Overview: Sorry to be gloomy but I have been in a terrible photo burnout mode/slump for several years now, but it's improving happily and I'm working at it steadily. If you've ever been through a personal shut-down you know how difficult it is to overcome the demons. I have decided not to ponder over old images on slides and black and white, I want to make new images and focus on new subjects. Digital is my weakest link so that needs focus.<br>

2010 Plan:<br>

A. Make images each week of new and different subjects and post in my PN Gallery.<br>

B. Print or scan (I don't know how) some of the many b&w negs I've made.<br>

C. Participate in the Wednesday Thread Nikon Forum and try to be more productive.</p>


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<p>My new years resolution? 720dpi...<br>

(I'm reposting my list, because I just came back to this thread to copy my list to a new-year's resolution thread on another site, and I noticed that the gremlins ate over half the list. Seriously. I typed it all in the response box, hit submit, saw the whole and complete list in the confirm box, hit confirm, and when I came back the next day, half the list was gone. Is there something wrong with the last three resolutions? Too commercial or something?)</p>


<li>Print a lot more 40mp 8x10 and 150mp 16x20 images. (yes, that's 720dpi ;) More multirow stitching, and maybe a scan back.</li>

<li>Take more pictures of people with their clothes on.</li>

<li>Finish all four of the books that I'm currently writing.</li>

<li>Not start writing another book (not so much as an outline) until I finish at least two of the ones I'm currently writing.</li>

<li>Finish the new alternative process darkroom, the 3x4 foot contact printer, etc.</li>

<li>Get that darn monochrome DSLR conversion business launched.</li>


<p>Oh, and Ben, I did the resolution gag first ;) ;) ;)</p>

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<p>Well, Ton, I can forgive the serious part. I'm only 8 months away from turning 50. Let me know how it goes, when you wake up one morning knowing that you're half a century old. Is there some magical transformation? Do you see the world differently? Do you feel superior to all these young whipper-snappers around here? Keep me updated so I can prepare myself.</p>
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<p>Find some inspiration and/or interesting subject matter to shoot. . .and soon! I've got 10 rolls of Kodachrome in my fridge to expose and get off to Dwayne's before the end of this year!<br>

Spend more time shooting large format. I'm kinda enjoying it although I don't really know what I'm doing. So I need to spend some time improving on the "know what I'm doing" part.<br>

Shoot more film and develop them in a timely manner so I'm not disposing unused and out dated D-76 all the time! ; )<br>

Be more active on photo.net! And when I can't think of anything intelligent to say, I'll just think of something stupid to ask. LOL! Juz kiddin. . .but really, some folk here need to lighten up!</p>

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<p>Hopefully I win and can gift this to someone...</p>

<p>My 2010 photo resolutions?<br /> - force myself more to location shooting beyond my normal travels<br /> - be slightly nicer on these forums; maybe show more patience? (impossible perhaps)<br /> - shoot at least 4 rolls of film<br>

- complete a hardbound photo book<br /> - help mentor a new (to SLRs) photographer, except, gads! he bought a old dReb damn me... I've no patience for a Rebel (worst U.I. of any camera known to man)</p>

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<p>1. Get around to post-processing the collection of photos I have shot, but have done nothing about (including those of my Dad's wedding).<br /> 2. Now that I have a new apartment with more wall space, my previously framed photos don't fill it up. I resolve to fix that by taking more photos to frame and hang in the empty spaces (and replace the ones I currently do not care for).<br /> 3. Spend some time getting a feel for shooting candids of people around Boston (or anywhere for that matter). It is something which is not within my normal comfort zone, yet I am rather pleased with those shots that I actually have captured.<br /> 4. Get back to being active on this site... post and respond to the forums, post more photos, contribute to critiques, etc.<br /> 5. Get out and shoot as much as I say I should.</p>
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