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Qatar, Middle East: availability of B&W film, processing chemicals or processors.

old school

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<p>Hi, I was wondering if anyone had advice or experience of film photography in Qatar.<br>

I plan to take as much B&W film as I can for 35mm and 120.<br>

But does anyone know if its possible to get more there either through local shops, or delivered via internet?<br>

I was also hoping to (as I always do) process my own films, but was thinking that taking chemicals probably wasn't that practical (powder developer seems the most practical to take with me, Stop I can do without (using acetic acid - vinegar diluted?), but Fix seems to be the real stumbling block (are there any powder fixers?). I'm assuming carrying liquid chemicals in luggage is not practical, so does anyone know if its going to be possible to get chemicals out there either in local shops or via internet?<br>

Failing being able to process my own films, does anyone know of anywhere to get B&W film processed locally in Qatar or in the region?<br>

Many Thanks for any help. Regards Stuart.</p>

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<p>Sorry, I should have added that I primarily shoot Ilford HP5+, in Kodak HC-110, Or Ilford PanF+ in Ilford Perceptol, usinf Ilford Indicator Stop and Ilford Rapid fix, if anyone is making recommendations for equivalents in powder form. Thanks.</p>
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<p>One active photographer on PN is <strong><a href="../photodb/user?user_id=2342084">Rashad Abdulla</a></strong>, who lives in Qatar. I believe he shoots both film and digital, but is likely to at least know where to point you for retailers, supply houses, and services that are there or which can ship there. You should be able to use the PN's private e-mail widget to drop him a note.</p>
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<p>I had a (somewhat) similar issue when I moved to Delhi, India for a couple of years. I took the following chemicals with me: powdered Kodak fixer and Kodak Hypoclear. You may also want to bring brown gallon or half-gallon plastic jugs for storing the chemicals, once mixed.<br>

I had planned to use locally produced acetic acid or vinegar, but decided to take (smuggle, really) a bottle of Ilford indicator stop instead (it well last a long time since you can reuse it until it starts to smell or change color), but you could also just use water for a stop bath.<br>

Since I use Kodak TMax film, I took (again, smuggled, really) a gallon jug of TMax RS developer with me -- one mixed (i.e. you dump the content of the small replenisher pack into the gallon jug when you first open it) it will last for a year or so, even under less than perfect (i.e. hot) conditions.</p>

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<p>Hi dear <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=872519">Stuart Grant</a>, I am glad that you are travelling to my country Qatar.<br>

I have already emailed you with some informations about your questions.<br>

I am one of the 4 people who formed the State Of Qatar Photographic Society and I can assure you that many of the members these days are into film, I have started teaching film processing for a long time and still do, that why many of our members are processing their films at home and some times we do at the society.<br>

Ver ysorry to tell you that we do not have 120 films avilable and that why we order them from B&H or adorama, other wise even slide films we processe them at home.<br>

You can not bring with you any sort of liquid chemcail into our country but you can bring powder ones by all means and if couldnt do so it is all ok with me and my friends to give it to you as we do order enough stock.<br>

there is only one place who will process b/w and c-41 color films but he is not the sort of shop I will recommend to you, when you a spare time from work you can use my setup will pleasure my friend.<br>

Yes bring your b/w , color and slide film specially 120 , we do order them also and we keep the stock in a frej to avoid frequent orders.</p>

<p>Welcome to Qatar my friend and you will have a lot of friends here .</p>

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<p>Hi dear <a rel="nofollow" href="../photodb/user?user_id=872519">Stuart Grant</a>, I am glad that you are travelling to my country Qatar.<br />I have already emailed you with some informations about your questions.<br />I am one of the 4 people who formed the State Of Qatar Photographic Society and I can assure you that many of the members these days are into film, I have started teaching film processing for a long time and still do, that why many of our members are processing their films at home and some times we do at the society.<br />Ver ysorry to tell you that we do not have 120 films avilable and that why we order them from B&H or adorama, other wise even slide films we processe them at home.<br />You can not bring with you any sort of liquid chemcail into our country but you can bring powder ones by all means and if couldnt do so it is all ok with me and my friends to give it to you as we do order enough stock.<br />there is only one place who will process b/w and c-41 color films but he is not the sort of shop I will recommend to you, when you a spare time from work you can use my setup will pleasure my friend.<br />Yes bring your b/w , color and slide film specially 120 , we do order them also and we keep the stock in a frej to avoid frequent orders.<br>

Welcome to Qatar my friend and you will have a lot of friends here .</p>



<p>That is such a nice response and generous offer to a fellow photographer.<br>

I don't see how the OP can go wrong.<br>

It is good to see such friendship across miles and cultures.</p>

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