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FD on Micro Four-Thirds Panasonic?


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<p>many of us have, but I believe here is not the the place to discuss that topic. I recommend you consider asking on another forum <a href="http://www.flickr.com/groups/1084614@N23/"><strong>here</strong> </a> . This forum is really dedicated to FD equipment and discussions, but over at the link I gave you there are many members (some from here) who do use FD on G1 and other micro 4/3rds. For instance a search <a href="http://www.flickr.com/search/groups/?q=g1%20fd&w=1084614%40N23&m=pool"><strong>on FD and G1</strong> </a> .</p>

<p>This is an FD 50 with a small amount of extension tube ...</p>

<p><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3551/3503960603_3ee0f53260.jpg" alt="" width="375" height="500" /></p>

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<p>It's a shame the description of the forum does not actually tell users that m4/3rds questions are not appropriate.</p>



<p>Well, it says "This is a dedicated film forum, Please keep your comments to film based photography". I´m not sure why that is though. There will be more and more mirrorless cameras from different brands in the future and the FD forum <em>could </em> be a central place to discuss all things FD related.</p>


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<p>Sorry, I overlooked the forum description " ... film based photography".<br>

Anyhow, the FD system is two things for me: FD film bodies and the great FD lens portfolio. I have quite a few nice ones (e.g. 85/1.2L and 50/1.2L) and I thought it must be very exciting for an FD lover being able to use these lenses on a digital body (long time ago I saw a few threads "FD digital?" in this very forum). The 85/1.2L for instance sort of "behaves" like a 170/1.2 on an FT sensor - that looks exciting and I'd like to know if the lense's resolution can keep up with the sensor's.</p>

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<p>I cannot believe there has been a lot of FD Film camera discussion ever since Canon went to EOS mount and subsequently Digital. Therefore Fd lenses used on digital cameras (micro four thirds only) seem appropriate as there may be a resurgent use of many fine FD formerly film use lenses. Just my two cents! This same complaint exists on another non Photo.net discussion forum involving manual focus and not endorsing discussion of AF and subsequent Digital use </p>
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<p>Mark, as much as some of us (me included) would love this senseless race for the <em>faster, bigger, and better </em>to come to an end, "progress" marches on regardless. (Mindless consumption will do us in eventually, but I'll leave such musings to another forum).</p>

<p>Perhaps we should be thankful that there are younger people who are making use of our beloved FD lenses.</p>

<p>But whatever the outcome of this spat, <em>please, please, please</em> don't leave us. All of us on the forum greatly value your experience, and your love of all things FD.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>There's really good info on FD lenses adapted to Micro4/3 cameras in the internets.</p>

<p>You just have to look for the FD lens adapted to m4/3 threads using:<br>

FD micro4/3,<br>

G1 FD,<br>

GH1 FD,<br>

GF1 FD,<br>

Olympus E-P1 FD,<br>


via google searches.</p>

<p>This adaptation to micro 4/3 mount is quite popular and many sites offer handy first hand tips, user images and experiences.</p>

<p>I haven't bought a GH1 yet.<br>

No hurries.<br>

I may or may not get one but I still enjoy reading about the innovative panasonic m4/3 platform.<br>

My FD glass isn't going anywhere ;^)<br>

Well, exect its gone up in resale value since Panasonic G-1 launched in September 2008</p>

<p><a href="http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/742303">http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/742303</a></p>

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<p>I agree with Mark P, on the one hand it's inevitable that interest about FD lenses as adaptable options on other systems will lead to questions here in the FD forum and personally I see that as an opportunity for spreading enthousiasm and attracting new users of FD gear, but on the other hand none of us want Mark W to feel that the forum is going adrift and no longer compatible with his moderating skills and expertise.</p>

<p>If I remember correctly from earlier posts, the general rule is that questions that are really specifically about FD gear are fine (eg what are the best lenses) while questions that are more about the other part of a combo are not (eg how good is lens X on dslr Y). It is going to get harder and harder to stick with a clear policy though, and while there is a 4/3rds thread to refer cross-system questions to, what about those of us who use other adapters? eg I've been using FD lenses on Sony dslrs for a few years now and there are plenty of interesting differences in how each lens behaves on the same or different Sony bodies.</p>

<p>Maybe it's time to start up an altogether separate thread for crossover systems and adapters across the board? Ideally it would have as its moderator someone who actively uses 4/3rds with other brands of lenses and perhaps some other more unusual combos. All crossover questions posted in existing threads for specific systems could be moved there at the relevant moderators' discretion, perhaps with just the OP left as a link (maybe marked with a special icon) in the original thread so that those of us who usually keep an eye on the system specific thread can take note and contribute answers to crossover questions if we choose to?</p>

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<p>I'm strictly a film user who has no interest in using my FD lenses on a digital camera. As such, I'd really hate to see this forum go the way of the Yahoo Canon FD forum.</p>

<p>I would think that a Panasonic or four-thirds forum would be a more appropriate place for this topic. Nevertheless, if these discussions are allowed, it will be the moderators' unenviable task to keep the situation under control.</p>

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<p>I am glad things have changed, as for me this seems the logial place to discuss FD lenses ... even if this is not to be used on a Canon film body. In the past such discussions have been moved or warned. May I take it then Josh that this is a formal policy change?</p>
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<p>I have helped cause change, I have sometimes desired change and I have sometimes (often?) resisted change. I also know forums evolve over time as the users or users interest change.</p>

<p>I use cameras made from 1949 to now, so I'm not stuck in the past, although I do like old cameras, especially FD bodies and lenses. I also use FD macro lenses on my 30D and also modified a 50mm FL to use on it.</p>

<p>I came to this forum several years ago because it is FD and film. I would like to it remain FD lenses on FD bodies, FD accessories on FD bodies and lenses. I don't even mind if Canoflex and FL lenses show up here.</p>

<p>Basically, a lens is a chunk of glass, focus ring, aperture ring and a mount to connect it to the adapter. There's nothing technical about it with adapters, regardless of lens brand. I think the image produced by the lens and digital body is the part to talk about. Maybe it is time for a forum just for showing and discussing photos made with old lenses on digital bodies.</p>

<p>In my opinion, the <em>extreme majority</em> of users and the <em>extreme majority</em> of posts here are about FD lenses on FD bodies and FD accessories. Please don't change this forum from that.</p>

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<p>I agree with Tim. It would be a shame to see this forum diluted with discussions tangential to the spirit of FD. </p>

<p>I myself recently posed a question about using FD lenses on micro 4/3 bodies, but I placed it in another forum. But, really, whether the lens is FD, or a Nikkor, Rokkor, Takumar, or Zeiss, it's going to behave similarly when attached to a digital body via an adapter.</p>

<p>I think it's a great idea that photo.net start a forum dedicated to the use of manual focus lenses on digital bodies, since it seems that there is a sizeable contingent of photographers who are doing just that, or who, like me, would like to.</p>

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<p>Folks, this really isn't the place to discuss forum structure. Anyone who wants to do that can email me.</p>

<p>But the fact of the matter is that the FD camera system is one that is losing users, not gaining them. So it is in everyone's best interest to make the FD forum as engaging and welcoming as possible to anyone who might still have an interest or connection to the FD system. Otherwise you get the Minox forum. Not much activity in there any more.</p>

<p>I'll consider a "manual lenses on digital cameras" forum. But in all honesty, I don't think it would work out that well because the knowledge needed for that sort of thing is going to be centered in a forum for the brand of body or brand of lens. Making those forums a much better place to find answers to your question.</p>

<p>Now back to your regularly scheduled FD forum.</p>

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