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anybody new to this group?

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Is there anybody new to this site and feels lost? I'm thankful to the many who have answered my questions about

soccer. Yet, I still feel lost. Most of my work comes right out of the camera. I know very little about photoshop or

anyother program out there. Has anybody try harder to take better pictures but realize they are getting worse? It

seems the more I try, the more I screw up.

Now, I'm trying harder and practicing more specially with my boys sports practices. I'm getting closer in and focusing

on the children faces or action. I do believe it's from this website. Seeing such awesome quality and clearity of the


Has anybody had this problem instead of going forward going backwards? I'm thinking of enrolling in the NYIC


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Practice makes perfect. Every mistake is a lesson in itself. Taking a class and meeting like minded people in the real world is always helpful. Maybe more so then just being in the world of the internet.

You might want to try Adobe Elements 6 to enhance your photos. Post production in digital photography is important to the end result.


Show me somebody who does not "screw up" .....and I'll show you someone who knows nothing.

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I agree with what Michael said. A real-life class is a good idea. Post processing is also important. I looked

at your folders and your photos don't look bad to me. No, they are not 'high art' (not yet), and I see some

things that could be improved, but I don't see

a lot of out-of-focus or terribly exposed images. I think you are being maybe a little too critical on yourself

- that can be good to a point, but when it starts to get you frustrated with the whole process, take a deep

breath and relax a little. This should be enjoyable.


"Trying too hard" can be frustrating. Relax and start over with the basics - what you think you already know,

then work up. Basic camera controls: shutter, aperture, focus; Basic craft: metering a scene for correct

exposure, composing to fill the frame, rules of composition, learning to 'see photographically.' Look at a

scene trying to see all the details without letting your mind's eye edit out the things you don't want (the pole

growing out of someone's head, border mergers, etc.), and try to visualize it in 2 dimensions on paper, like a

painting or drawing. Those things worked for me and they still do. I often just practice controlling motion

with shutter speeds, depth of field with aperture, ranges of over/under exposure to find the best. The nice

thing with digital is you can <i>practice</i> these things without spending more on film & processing materials.

Made a bunch of junk? Learn from it and delete it. One of the most critical things a good photographer (or any

kind of artist) must be is a ruthless editor, willing to cut the frames that don't cut it.


If you don't have the $$ to invest in high-end photo finishing/editing software, GIMP is free and has a lot of

features (and some bugs).


If I may be of assistance just ask and I'll try to help. I don't claim to be an expert, but I know a few things.

I started with film in the early '80's and am teaching myself digital for the last few years. These days I do

it because I enjoy it. When it ceases to be fun, I'll stop.

<br><br>Best wishes, <br><br>


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Don't worry you are not alone, I 'm with you :) Since I have joined the site, I feel the harder I try the worse my photos have gotten. Everything I know; which is very little, is self taught


I came to the conclusion that my frustration was coming out through my photos. I have gotten pretty overwhelmed by everything I have been reading "the how’s", "Why’s" and the cost of gadgets. I decided that I needed to refocus on "why I” take photos in the first place.


I went back to a 35mm camera a( cheap point and shoot) to help me get back on track with my creativity. I didn’t like most of the film photos, but when you can only take 27 photos it is amazing how you won't waste the film. For awhile I carried my digital and my point and shoot so I could compare the photos later ... it told me a lot about what I was and have been doing wrong. .


Another tool I use to help me is my daughter (5yr), she has her own camera (fisher Price digital camera.) I take her with me and she teaches me things about photography, such as, perspective, and color. Children are great about bring out the kid in you.


As for computer programs, I use Photoshop Element 5. It was a birthday present from a year ago. Thanks to this website I am starting to use it more efficiently now.


Anyway I am rambling … Just know you are not alone in this frustration.



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I know this sounds corny, but sometimes you got to take 2 steps back to move 1 foot forward. To me there are 2 types of photographers. Those who are artistically inclined and those who are technically inclined. Then there are those who are both, so that makes 3 types of photographers. Don't worry about getting worse, that's just part of it, you are just becoming more aware of your mistakes.


However, this is no time to get discouraged. If you are artistically inclined, try to become better technically. If you are good at being technical, spread your wings and try to become more artistic. Remember that we all have our limits, just try your best. You might not think you are growing, until you compare yourself to that "new employee".


P.S. stay away from those Ratings until you are sure-footed. That is the quick way to get the rug pulled from under your feet.


Am I making any sence ?

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Thank you all for replying to my question. I am frustated and it's nice to know there's other people out there. I'm glad you have to take 2 steps back to move 1 foot forward. I guess then I'm getting ready to move 1 step forward. I can't affored to make many more mistakes. Melissa, your right about getting back to my creativety. I was getting focused on the tech, business, and all the termalogoly of photography. So, during my son's football practices. I simply enjoyed taking photos of the team. Plus, took very close up photos. I'll see how they turn out tomorrow.

Harry, your right about staying away form the ratings. Ouch. S. Spencer, I did have to let go of some of pictures for my website on imagepro. I realized I have to put my best on there and it turned out not to be alot because some of the sizes were to big to fit in here.

Thank you,


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