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HP5+ and Famous HC-110 Dilution H

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Last week, I developed a HP5+ roll as follows:<br>

HP+ rated 200 ISO / HC-110 1+63 / 13 minutes at 20 º C.<br>

(I read this setting in a forum.)<br>

Negative and prints are very nice. As soon as I will repair my scanner, will post the prints. I like this dilution, but I don't know time for the same dilution but differents ISO (in HP5+).<br>

Could someone help me on this? Any suggestions are welcome.<br>

Thank a lot.<br>


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<p>WOW I use 12 minutes at EI 400 and also get great scans. I think 10 minutes-13 is a good time depending on the scanner or enlarger and what you want. THE MDC that Peter pointed out is also a good starting point. I love it at 800-1000 15 minutes Dilution H</p>
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I was looking for times in Digitaltruth, but only gives times for EI 100 and 3200<br>

I only test dilution H at EI 200. I think less time will result low contrast negative. I've a LPL 7700MX enlarger, color and diffuser.<br>

Do you try dilution H at EI 400/800? What time?<br>

Thanks a lot.<br>


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<p>15 minutes is my time at 800-1000 Dilution H times are normanly just double of Dilution B but it also depends on how you agitate the film my friend.... More= More contrast .... I do 30 seconds for the forst minute then 5 inversions for every minute after that... if it is a low contrast day I add a few inversions at the 30 second mark a few times... like every 3rd minute.</p>


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<p>Hi, Larry,<br>

I do 60 sec. for the first minute, and four inversions fo every minute after.<br>

I will try 15 your combination. (800).<br>

Have you try with EI 400?<br>

As i wrote in my first post, I found the combination HP5+ rated 200 ISO / HC-110 1+63 / 13 minutes at 20 º C in a forum. It was posted by Enrique Ortega, a spanish photographer.<br>

You can see his picture in his web (<a href="http://mentiraspiadosas.wordpress.com/2009/05/28/en-un-paisaje/">http://mentiraspiadosas.wordpress.com/2009/05/28/en-un-paisaje/</a>). It's the second one pic. It'was make with a yellow filter.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot</p>


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<p>Remember a yellow filter will make 400 200.... and Remember also what works for me may not work for you but will get you in the same area. because of your meter and even camera.... I do find HC-110 takes a minute more than Tri-X and 400 with HP5+ for me is 9.5-10 even.... I am ols school with many things but when it comes to HC-110 it was always Old School. a Liquid D-76 with sharper negatives and shorter times that were too short.. that is why I prefer Dilution H or even more.</p>
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...
<p>I've just devved a roll of HP5+ in dilution H (approx 63-1). Temp was 20 degrees, agitatation continuous for the first minute then 4 moderately vigorous inversions per minute. Total time in the soup was thirteen minutes. Not had a chance to print yet, but even at a glance I can see the negs are nice and crisp, but a bit dense. I think next time I'll try the same recipe but cut the time to ten minutes, though I suspect even that might be a bit long. Looking at these negs, I also suspect that it might be interesting to experement with considerably greater dilutions; I might try 100-1. I know this post is two years after the previous one, but it may be of use to someone hunting through the archives for info on this film/dev combo. Good luck.</p>
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<p>I've just devved a roll of HP5+ in dilution H (approx 63-1). Temp was 20 degrees, agitatation continuous for the first minute then 4 moderately vigorous inversions per minute. Total time in the soup was thirteen minutes. Not had a chance to print yet, but even at a glance I can see the negs are nice and crisp, but a bit dense. I think next time I'll try the same recipe but cut the time to ten minutes, though I suspect even that might be a bit long. Looking at these negs, I also suspect that it might be interesting to experement with considerably greater dilutions; I might try 100-1. I know this post is two years after the previous one, but it may be of use to someone hunting through the archives for info on this film/dev combo. Good luck.</p>
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