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<p>Here is my question. I have the choice of buying CS4, Elements 7, or Lightroom. I am a pc user and I want to be able to organize and do basic photo editing. I am not interested in extensie manipulation. What would be my best investment. I have used CS2 and Elements 2. Appreciate the help and don't want to start a firestorm.</p>
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<p>I agree with Ellis. I used CS3, Elements, 6 &7, but i have to say, Lightroom is by far the quickest and easiest to learn out of the 3. This is probably do due the fact that it doesn't include a good portion of the edting tools that the others do, or they are setup in a way, that makes them easier to use.</p>
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<p>Lightroom is the only one of those that's for organizing. It's what PC users can get because they can't get Aperture :) Gimp is also not for organizing. Lightroom does have some retouch/manipulation tools (though not as extensive as Photoshop or Elements) so it seems that's what you'll want.</p>
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<p>I use Lightroom for most basic editing, but there are quite a few things it won't do, so you will probably find yourself needing to add Photoshop Elements. But Elements can be had for well under $100, so that shouldn't break the bank if and when you need need it later.</p>
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<p><<I am a pc user and I want to be able to organize and do basic photo editing.>></p>

<p>PhotoShop Elements can handle most of your photo editing needs. I have version 6 and I still don't use most of the capabilities. Also, PSE comes with a Organizer software. This allows you to import and organize your photos and then quickly launch PSE for editing.<br>

I'd check out a demo or free trial of PSE first before spending $$ on LR</p>

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<p>I find myself doing more LR stuff in DX0. DX0 has some nice presets, as well as smart tools that produce nice corrections.</p>

<p>The 'DX0 Lens Softness' tool is my favorite sharpener, and other tools have more options than LR (and 'DX0 Lighting is better than other exposure tools I've used). It cannot replace PS if you use layers, masks, etc. but I like it better than LR as a developer.</p>

<p>It reads RAW's and has the before/after view of LR. It's much slower in that it must go through a processing step, but you may want to see if you like it by comparing the output from both trials.</p>

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<p>Basically Id stick with CS2 and buy Lightroom, the latter will do all your organizing and in addition make moderate changes you want to images without altering the original. I'd been using CS and Lightroom. Last Year upgraded to CS3 by purchasing an original upgrade on eBay for $150 and now use them. But, if Id had to pay full price for the upgrade, never would have done so, as the added benefit over CS for me, would not have been worth the price.</p>
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