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I need a RELIABLE photo lab

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<p>It's been one thing after another and I'm just not having any luck.<br /><br />I never thought this would happen to me. I'm totally sick of 1-hour photo labs. I've heard of all the trouble some people have had with finding a good local photo lab for developing color film. I never thought it would happen to me, because I never really had that much trouble until recently. I was taking my 35mm film to Walmart, and for a while they did a decent job. Then they scratched my negatives. So I decided to start taking my film to Walgreens. There's a Walgreens right down the street from me, and so that was convenient. They did a pretty good job, and I was actually very impressed when I had one roll scanned and burned onto a CD. Well apparently, they're having trouble keeping the lab staffed or something, because every time I go down there now, there's a sign saying the photo lab is closed and only available for pick-up. <br /><br />So I decided to take a roll to another Walgreens. I figured they can't be that different, and if one Walgreens did a decent job, then another one should too. <em>Big mistake</em>. I just took a roll of film this afternoon (Ektar 100), and they <strong>ruined it</strong>. Probably about half my pictures had spots all over them. I knew it couldn't be the lens. I checked the negatives, and sure enough, there was some kind of chemical gunk and spots on the negatives. I went back and talked to one guy (the Assistant Manager I think) and I showed him my pictures and negatives. He apologized, and said that the machine probably wasn't cleaned when it was supposed to be. He gave me a refund. He was polite and he apologized...but I seriously doubt he'll do anything about it. I noticed several negatives hanging up in the lab, and I'll bet a bunch of other people probably had their pictures ruined and they just don't know it. And the sad thing is, they'll see a bunch of spots on their pictures and they'll probably just think "oh well, it's because it's film."<br />I can't even explain how frustrated I am right now. I was having good luck for a while, but now it seems like every time I take my film to a 1-hour photo lab, my negatives are getting scratched, or my pictures have scan lines and spots on them. It didn't used to be like this. I mean in just the past few years things have gotten a lot worse.<br />I'm a student and I'm only working part-time right now. Not only is it extremely aggravating to put so much time and work into taking your pictures, just for the lab to mess up the film. But I also can't afford to have half of my pictures ruined. Film and developing is a big expense for me...but I am completely willing to pay for it if I can find a reliable lab. I'm done with 1-hour photo labs. I can't go through this crap anymore of hoping that they won't mess up my film. It's too expensive and it's too frustrating and heatbreaking. I'm willing to pay a little more and mail my film out to a more professional lab if that's what it takes.<br /><br />Can someone please recommend a RELIABLE photo lab that is COMMITTED to film? I can't fool around anymore. I need a photo lab that is reliable and gives consistant results every roll. Preferably a lab that you use regularly and haven't had any problems with. I live in southern California, so if there is a good lab in California that someone can recommend, that would help. But I'll send my film out to labs anywhere in the country if I need to. I also want a lab that is absolutely committed to film....not some place that's going to disappear or "go digital" next year. <br />Please help me out here. I'm so frustrated. If I can't find a good, <strong>100 percent</strong> RELIABLE photo lab, I'm getting out of photography. I develop my own black and white film, but I need a lab for color film. I have absolutely NO interest in digital. None. So I need a lab that I can give my film to with confidence that they will do a good job.<br /><br />What do you guys use?<br />How is Dwayne's Photo? I've sent 8mm movie film to them before, but not 35mm film for pictures. <br />I also looked on Google and I found this place...has anyone sent film to them before?<br /><br /><a href="http://www.bluemooncamera.com/">http://www.bluemooncamera.com/</a><br /><br /><br /><br />Please no digital trolls (we get that a lot on this forum). Post a reply only if you actually USE film right now.<br />I really appreciate any help. Thanks!</p>

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<p>I shoot both 35mm and MF, and I am always pleased with The Icon on Wilshire Blvd in Los Angeles. Sometimes I mail it in, sometimes I drive down there. They have two large coolers full of film behind the counter, stocked with large format down to 35mm, so I would consider their film services as stable as any professional lab. It is more expensive than a one hour lab, but is so very worth it to realize how good your lenses really are. </p>

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<p>Caveat: I wouldn't give Costco a roll of film to develop that was important. Stands to reason. But to save money on snapshots and all the other visual clutter I produce, for me the benefit outweighs the risk. If they ever destroy a picture of the kitten, and they haven't so far, s'OK, I'll take another.</p>
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<p>Well, Kelly, I'm not looking for "perfect." I know things happen, and a few tiny dust spots or <em>minor</em> scratches on my negatives doesn't bother me. Heck, even I definitely can't develop my own B&W film and prints "perfectly." But I'm talking about where the are scratches running down the entire length of my negatives, and showing up right through the middle of the pictures! That's what happened at Walmart. And today, at Walgreens, I can't believe they actually gave those pictures to me and had the nerve to try to charge me for them. I mean, if you even took a casual glimpse at the pictures, you would have noticed they were totally ruined. Yeah, they aplogized and gave me a refund...which is all they can do. But still, it doesn't take away the fact that they ruined my negatives and those pictures are useless now. <br>

I guess I'm just looking for place that will at least CARE about how they handle my film. I don't expect them to be perfect. </p>

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<p>Chris, there are two mail-order services I've used with great results:</p>

<p>Chromatics Photo Imaging in Nashville, TN (<a href="http://www.chromatics.com/Film_Services.htm">http://www.chromatics.com/Film_Services.htm</a>)<br>

Specialty Color Services, Santa Barbara, CA (<a href="http://www.colorservices.com/index.asp?p=3126">www.colorservices.com/index.asp?p=3126</a>)</p>

<p>The only downside is the shipping costs. I usually wait until I have several rolls ready to process before sending anything in. That way, the results feel worth the cost of shipping.</p>

<p>By the way, Specialty Color Services gets a lot of their business from students and staff at the Brooks Institute, which means they have a real interest in keeping the quality of their work high. It also means those folks have priority for service, so you may have to wait a couple of weeks to get your negatives back.......</p>

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<p>Dwayne's is terrible for 35mm prints! Don't use them. Dwayne's is only good for Kodachrome processing. They do great work with Kodachrome. I use Dale Labs (Dalelabs.com) in Hollywood, FL. They are mostly mail order and they are committed to film. They are not perfect but they offer a nice "pro proofing" service. I have used them for a while now, and I have never had a problem. They also offer great E-6 developing. If you go to their website, you can request some film mailers.<br>

PS: They have wonderful customer service too.</p>

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Sorry to hear about your Walgreens experience.<br>

The local Walgreens that I have been using for several years now is going down the same road.<br>

Before you start mailing your film to pro labs, have you tried the Wal Mart send out service? People always call them the "fuji mailers", but it goes somewhere OTHER than the Wla Mart you are dropping it off at, and the results for me have been OK.<br>

If you shoot slide film, Chromedigital in San Diego is great. I've been pleased with them every time I drop film off, and I know they do all sorts of other services including color negative. They may be on the pricey side for processing and prints, which is why I would recommend trying another route before committing to high prices and long waits.</p>

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<p>Chris, Sorry to hear of your frustrating experience.</p>

<p>I've used this lab for E-6 and they do fabulous work, with very fast turn around. They told me that the chemistry is checked twice a day, and they have a lot of experience. They also have a mailer service; I think you will be well satisfied with their work. Jeff</p>

<p>http://www.vipphotolab.com/info.htm </p>

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<p>Ask a local wedding photographer that still uses film. The labs are out there. Lots of them are low-profile, 9-5 Monday-Friday only. They don't want to deal with amateurs, just folks who know what they are doing.<br>

The bare minimum is a minilab run by a photography store. Forget any minilab at a chain store, they are maximizing shareholder value.<br>

Yes, Costco cares about the employees compared to many a big box store. But it doesn't prevent sheer stupidity. Last I saw the Waltham MA Costco, the minlab was right next to the main entrance. No walls, no doors, and the main entrance has an "air curtain" door, rather than real doors that open and close. Sand blows right in from the parking lot into the minilab area. Really stupid. Never gave them any of my work!</p>


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<p>Try theslideprinter.com (AKA Denver Digital): they pay shipping both ways (call and ask for the first mailer), their prices are good, and their service and expertise are good as well.</p>
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<p>I decided to call Freestyle Photo Supplies and ask if they could recommend a good lab. I figured that <em>they</em> would have to know of a good one. I talked to one guy who is actually in their marketing department, and he recommended a place called Swan Photo Labs, and said that is where they send in film from customers and they do a really good job. They're in San Clemente.<br /><br /> <a href="http://www.swanphotolabs.com/swan08/mailers.php">http://www.swanphotolabs.com/swan08/mailers.php</a><br>

It looks like they process all kinds of film (including 120), so I'll send them my next roll of 35mm film and see how it goes. It looks promising. <br>

Has anyone heard of this place before?</p>

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I've had a few things done at Swan Labs and I'll be honest with you, I wasn't all that impressed. Their E-6 service is just OK, and the prints I had made from some transparencies were not the best. (I hear that getting prints made from transparancies is a crap shoot anyways, but I've had good results from Chromedigital in that arena as well).<br>

I believe there C-41 is on the average side, but I can't remember. Its been a few years.</p>


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<p>For years, I took my film to Target until they also scratched my film.<br>

To make sure it was not my N80camera, I took another roll to Long's drug store and had them develop a roll of film from the same camera; NO scratches.<br>

When I contacted the lab who does Target's processing, ( the first time) I spoke with a very nice lady, and she told me to return my pictures and negs to my local store and have them send everything back to them to see if anything could be done to fix the problem.<br>

No w I know short of having the pictures airbrushed, there is very little that can be done once the negs and pics have been scratched.<br>

When I got the pics & nes back, there was not any difference.<br>

This time when I called the lab, I got one of the rudest people you can imagine.<br>

She said THERE IS NOTHING we can or will do for you other than replace YOUR FILM and PAY for the cost of developing and printing your pictures.<br>

Ithen told her you have just lost a very long time customer who has been coming to Target to get film and have it processed. </p>

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<p>Well, Bob, actually there <strong>is </strong>something<strong> </strong>else they could have done...make a promise that they will check their equipment and try to prevent that from happening again. I don't understand this mentality of just trying to appease one customer when they ruin a film...but then not doing ANYTHING about the problem, so they'll just end up ruining other customers' films. <br /><br />Like at Walgreens...sure, they apologized and gave me a refund. But are they actually going to do anything about it?? NO. He admitted that the problem was with their machine and that it probably wasn't cleaned. Well, then <em>clean the freaking machine</em>! If he had actually showed some concern and said that they will check it and find out what exactly could have caused the problem (spots and chemical residue on my film) and if they made an effort to fix it...then <strong>maybe</strong> I would have even given them another chance. (Not with an important roll of film, of course). But this nonsense of basically brushing off a customer and saying "yeah, we messed up...oh well, too bad. Here's a refund" just doesn't cut it. FIX the dang machine and get it right!<br /><br />Because otherwise, if they don't make any effort to fix the problem, to me it's just another insult on top of ruining your film. They're admitting that they know there is a problem, but they feel like they don't have to fix it. They're saying that you aren't important as a customer. This just wouldn't fly with any other kind of business. If someone just brought something to their attention, as a business they should make darn sure that it does NOT happen again. But I guess most crappy 1-hour photo labs really don't care.</p>
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